
Major action by police against illegal mining in Gaya, 11 tractors laden with sand seized, one driver arrested

bodhgaya On Saturday morning, Bodhgaya police took major action near Harli Titoiya village of the police station area and seized 11 tractors carrying illegal sand. Earlier, in a raid by police and mining officials under the leadership of Bodhgaya DMP Saurabh Jaiswal, 10 tractors were caught stealing sand from the river mouth. After this, a tractor was also seized near Bodhgaya Node One. In this case, one driver was also arrested by the police, while others managed to escape.

Information was continuously being received about illegal sand mining.

On Saturday, police and mining officials seized the tractor laden with stolen sand. This sand was stolen from Ghongharia and Guriyama Ghats. After receiving the information, this major action was taken. According to the police, information about illegal sand mining was continuously being received, after which this action was taken.

Sand is being sold at expensive prices in the market

It is noteworthy that fearless sand mafia is lifting sand from Niranjana and Mohane rivers. Since Ghongharia Ghat is a border area, excavation was going on indiscriminately in the mouth of the river. Sand was being stolen from there and sold at an expensive price in the market.

seized tractor

10 tractors were confiscated

After the strictness of the police, the lifting of sand from Niranjana river had reduced. On Saturday, Bodhgaya SDPO Saurabh Jaiswal, Bodhgaya incharge police station incharge Anand Ram and mining officials jointly raided Harli Titoiya, where 10 tractors carrying stolen sand were seized. Despite the strictness of the police, the black trade of white sand was not stopping.

Simultaneous action of police of four police stations including mining

SDPO Saurabh Jaiswal said that information was continuously being received regarding illegal sand mining. Based on the information, raids were conducted with police forces from several police stations. The police took this action by laying siege. In which 10 sand loaded tractors were seized from the spot near Titoiya turn. A tractor along with the driver was caught near Bodh Gaya Node One.

Drivers ran away after seeing the police

DSP said that as soon as they saw the police, the drivers of all the vehicles ran away. After this, all the tractors along with sand were brought to Bodh Gaya police station. After this a case has been registered by the Mining Department

Report- Prashant-Pappu, Bodhgaya

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