
Maharashtra: Police constable returning home from duty has his throat cut by kite string, dies

Maharashtra A heartbreaking news is coming out. A 37-year-old police constable from Mumbai died on Sunday afternoon after his throat was slit by a kite string. An officer gave this information.

Constable Suresh Jadhav was returning to his home in Worli on a motorcycle.

Police officer said, at the time of the accident, policeman Sameer Suresh Jadhav was on Vakola bridge of Western Express Highway. The officer said, Jadhav was posted at Dindoshi police station in Goregaon and was returning to his home in Worli on a motorcycle. After his throat was cut by the kite string, he was taken to the nearest hospital where doctors declared him dead.

Police engaged in investigation

The officer said that Kherwadi police officers reached the spot in connection with the investigation. Jadhav’s family members have been informed about the incident.

One person killed, three injured in firing

In another incident, one person was killed and three others were injured in firing by a person in an area of ​​Kurla, the eastern suburb of Mumbai, on Sunday. Police officer said that this incident happened in Azad Gali area of ​​Chunabhatti at around 3.15 pm. Chunabhatti police station official said that a person opened fire on the residents of the area in which a person named Sumit Yerunkar died.

Criminals fired 16 bullets

The officer said that the accused allegedly fired about 16 bullets. According to the officer, police reached the spot and the three injured were taken to nearby Sion Hospital. He said that the condition of the injured is said to be stable. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone Six) Hemraj Singh Rajput said, nine teams have been formed to nab the absconding accused, who has been identified. He said that this firing took place due to mutual enmity.

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