
Lucknow News: Echo cardiography test will start soon in Lokbandhu Hospital, heart patients will get great relief.

There is good news for the patients coming for heart treatment at Lokbandhu Shri Rajnarayan Joint Hospital located on Kanpur Road in the capital Lucknow. Echocardiography test of heart patients in the hospital can start in the month of February itself, for this the doctors here are being trained under the supervision of experts. The support team is also understanding the intricacies of this investigation. In fact, the hospital has already received machines for testing from the CSR fund. Despite this machine arriving in the hospital premises last year, the investigation could not be started till now. Meanwhile, under the supervision of some cardiology specialist doctors, the physicians of the hospital are being trained regarding this test. If the hospital administration is to be believed, this investigation will also begin this month. Let us tell you that apart from ECG, echo test is very important for heart patients. Many times, when ECG does not reveal much, experts also recommend echo testing.

Hospital has received a machine worth Rs 5 lakh

However, there is no cardio department established in the hospital. Besides, there is no facility for Trop T and TMT test. However, the number of patients coming here complaining of chest pain is very high. Apart from this, heart patients also often go to the hospital for check-up or in emergency. This is the reason why emphasis is being laid on starting eco-investigation. According to Dr. Suresh Chandra Kaushal, Director of Lokbandhu Hospital, the hospital has received a machine worth about Rs 5 lakh from the CSR fund. For the convenience of heart patients, soon the facility of echo test will also be available. Apart from this, there is emphasis on starting many other facilities in the hospital for heart patients.

Electric therapy in KGMU will reduce the demand for alcohol.

King George’s Medical University (KGMU) has now achieved expertise in helping alcoholics get rid of their addiction. The Department of Psychiatry of the Medical University freed about 50 patients from alcoholism by giving them electric shock in 2 years. The important thing is that this electric shock was also such that it provided more benefit to the patients, but the shock was less, that is, this problem is being solved only by passing a very small current. Sealing this great success, the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine has also published it in January 2024. Dr. Sujit Kar says that quitting alcohol is not very difficult. Just need a little strong will power. The most important thing is that after a few days of quitting alcohol, the craving for it becomes stronger. Gradually its attack intensifies. Its effect is that during this period the patient often starts drinking alcohol again. To reduce cravings, electric current has to flow back into the frontal part of the brain. The flow of electric current reduces cravings and its effect is that the mind gets diverted somewhere else.

Research conducted on 34 patients

In this research conducted between the year 2021 and 2023, 34 such patients were selected who were already addicted to alcohol. All of them were divided into 2 different groups. In this technique the patient is not made unconscious. After making him sit, current is given to certain parts of the head through special equipment. Then it was analyzed. After 5 sessions of 20-20 minutes each in about a week, it was found that all the patients who received electric current gave up their alcohol addiction. The important thing was that there was no visible side effect of giving current. Nor did the patients face any special problems. Dr. Sujit Kar told that only 2 milliamperes of current is used in this therapy. Due to which the patient does not feel any shock. This is completely painless therapy. Through this, patients suffering from many other diseases like stroke, paralysis, depression are also being treated.

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