
Lucknow News: 10th class student, who was in debt for mobile gaming, committed suicide, died after 2 days

In the capital Lucknow, a 10th class student sprinkled petrol on himself after losing Rs 10,000 in mobile gaming and set himself on fire. His family admitted him to the Civil Hospital on Monday morning in a critical condition. But after suffering from pain for 2 days, the student died on Wednesday morning. Shiva Kashyap, a 17-year-old student, had borrowed money from friends and relatives to play mobile games. When the police reached the information and investigated the matter, another story also came to light. Neighbors say that Shiva was beaten by his father a day before. There was talk that the mobile phone of one of his relatives had gone missing. Actually, Brijesh Kashyap living in Banthra area is a security guard. His son Shiva was a high school student. He had bought a smartphone from his father in the name of studies. Shiva used to play online games with him. He also used to play games by placing bets with the boys of the locality. Cousin Anubhav told that Shiva had lost a few thousand rupees by betting on winning or losing in a mobile game. Had borrowed more than ten thousand rupees from acquaintances. A few days ago, Shiva had also sought help from his cousins ​​to repay this loan. But money could not be arranged.

The fire was set on Monday

According to Anubhav, Shiva suddenly came out of the house on Monday morning. He took out petrol from his father’s bike and then started pouring it on himself. When the family members came out after hearing the screams, they were shocked to see Shiva amidst the flames. Somehow the fire of Shiva’s clothes was extinguished. Then took him to the civil hospital. Here he was admitted to the burn ward. According to doctors, Shiva had suffered 60% burns. Another story also came to light during police interrogation of Brijesh Kumar’s neighbors. In this, the mobile phone of one of Shiva’s relatives had gone missing. Due to which his father had beaten him. Only after this Shiva set himself on fire. Inspector Hemant Raghav said that the family has not informed about the student committing suicide by setting himself on fire. Information is being sought regarding the incident. Necessary legal action will be taken on the basis of investigation.

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