
‘Love is blind’…you too will say the same after seeing the irresponsible actions of this Mumbai couple!

love is a beautiful feeling, but when it becomes blind, it can also be dangerous. Recently, a couple in Mumbai was seen riding a scooter on a busy road, with the woman sitting on his lap. This was not only indecent, but also unsafe.

No information about this couple

There is no information about this couple, but it is clear that they were blinded by love. He stopped thinking about his own safety and the safety of others. They were not paying attention to the danger they were posing to others. this video Bandra Buzz Uploaded from Facebook channel named.

This is not the first time this happened

This is not the first time this has happened. Over the past few years, we have seen many couples riding unsafely on two-wheelers. Some couples sit facing each other, while others hug or kiss each other. This is not only irresponsible, but also dangerous.

Be careful while driving

When you ride a two-wheeler, you should think about your safety and the safety of others. You should always wear a helmet, and you should obey the law. If you are blind in love, please use your intelligence. Do not ride unsafely on public roads.

love is a beautiful feeling

Love is a beautiful feeling, but it is important to remember that it should not be blind. When you ride a two-wheeler, please think about your safety and the safety of others.

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