
Lifestyle: Ways to keep your home warm during cold days while saving money

cover the floor with carpet

When it comes to thermal insulation carpets are as good as fiberglass and ten times better than flooring. They trap the heat inside. It is best if the room is carpeted from wall to wall so that the loss is as little as possible. Not only this, but fuzzy rugs make you and your feet feel warm which makes you Will prevent your thermostat from rising.

Place aluminum foil behind radiators

Radiators attached to external walls can often result in heat loss through these walls. A clever way to combat this is to place aluminum foil behind the radiators so that the heat flows back into your room. You can use the foil present in your kitchen only if it is of very good quality.

put plastic bubble wrap on windows

Windows are actually one of the biggest sources of heat loss and bubble wrap can easily prevent this. On a single-pane window, it can reduce heat loss by up to 50% and on a double-pane window by 20%. All you need to apply your bubble wrap is a pair of scissors and a spray mister so that the wrap Can be stuck on the window. Buy larger bubble wraps as they will let more light into your home.

Install cabinets above your radiators

If you have very high ceilings or your radiator is placed below a window, a shelf will redirect the heat to your benefit. Instead of going up to the top of your ceiling, the heat will hit the shelf and change direction. In the case where your radiator is below a window with long curtains, the heat usually gets trapped between the window and the curtain. However, if you If installed, you will be able to prevent heat loss through the window.

Adjust the ceiling fans so that they rotate clockwise

You can change the rotation of your ceiling fans from counterclockwise to clockwise during the colder months of the year. This will allow them to send heat trapped at the top back to you at lower levels. This slight change can save you up to 10% in heating costs. This is because your main heating will work less. Keep in mind that to save energy, if a room is empty then you should switch off the fan.

install a door sweep

Sometimes we do not realize how much heat is coming out from under the door of our house. Door sweep is like a thin, long broom which you have to install inside your door. It is very cheap and easy to install and you can cut it depending on the length of your door. You will only need 4-5 screws to put it in place and it will keep that cold air out where it belongs.

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