
Lifestyle: Have you also become a slave of technology, identify it in these ways

don’t go out without your phone


The first sign of letting technology take over your life is that you can’t go anywhere without your phone even when you’re at home with your family. You now depend on your phone for everything and don’t go out without it. Checking the phone all the time even while staying at home. Thinking that someone called you and you missed him? then what will happen? This is telling you that you are letting technology decide how your day goes.

Frustrated over not liking a social media post


Being on social media too much means that it makes it incredibly easy to compare your life to others. It also makes it easy to feel like your life is better or worse than everyone else’s. When you get likes on social media, it makes you feel good and gives different happiness but when you let technology dominate your life, not getting likes has a deep impact on you. It makes you feel isolated, feel lonely and sad

Fear of missing out on not being online


When you go somewhere, you often feel that you would have missed so much if you had not been online for so long. That is, if you feel conscious about being online all the time then it is not right. If you get worried when you are disconnected from the internet then it is not a good sign.

Always using mobile even when out with people


It is wrong for phone addiction to be so dominant that even when you are out somewhere with your family or friends, you are still scrolling on your mobile. Sometimes you don’t care who and where you are, so constantly checking your phone tells you that this is not right.

Peace is not achieved without using any technology


Whether you have gone out for dinner with a friend or to a hotel with your family, whenever you get a little time, you start using technology like scrolling on the laptop or mobile phone you brought with you, sending messages or reading things online. Starting shows that you enjoy sitting comfortably only when you are connected to technology. Being too connected to all this affects your sleep, focus, productivity, mood, relationships and your health. One day a week should be away from technology and screens as much as possible. If this advice sounds bitter to you, it may be a bad sign.

don’t like listening to someone


When you rely on technology, you use it for everything and you find it difficult to focus on anything that is not easy and virtual. You’ll watch videos online, listen to anything rather than read, and always opt for your Notes app or email rather than write anything. If technology is really ruling your life, you may also find face-to-face social interactions difficult. Maybe, and you would prefer to talk to people online where you don’t have to talk physically.

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