
Life will not be lost due to lightning, Damini app will alert you 4 hours in advance, download like this

Bareilly : More than 2 dozen people have died in about a week due to lightning in UP. It has been raining continuously for 7 days in Bareilly. Along with this, an alert is being issued regarding lightning. But, Damini app can save from lightning. Bareilly’s ADM E Santosh Bahadur issued guidelines regarding the rain on Thursday evening. Issued. He has advised not to leave the house during the rain. Along with this, children have been told not to bathe in the rain, not to play outside, on the roofs. , then one should avoid taking bath at home. Also asked to avoid using tap. Along with this, avoid staying under trees, near electric poles, and in open places in case of lightning/thunderstorm. Stop at a safe place. It is advised to download Damini app in your mobile phone. This app will alert 4 hours before lightning.

20 km range information will be available from Damini app

Damini app has been developed to prevent possible death due to lightning. This app, prepared by the Meteorological Department, provides information about lightning in a range of about 20 kilometers. Although lightning cannot be stopped, it can be avoided.

Know what is app

Damini Po gives accurate information about lightning, thunder ahead of time. For this, meteorologists have established a lightning location network with about 48 sensors across the country. The Damini app has been developed on the basis of this network, which gives information about the possible location of lightning within a radius of 20 km.

This is how to download Damini app

It is very easy to download Damini app in mobile. Android mobile users can download it from Google Play Store, and iPhone users can download it from Apple Store. After downloading, registration has to be done. For this you have to give your name, location etc. Apart from giving this information, this Damini app Starts working. Alerts about lightning strike within 20 km radius of the location through audio message and SMS.

Do this when you get an alert

If there is lightning in your area, then Damini app will alert you in advance. To avoid lightning, do not stop in open fields, under trees, hilly areas, near rocks. Avoid washing metal utensils and avoid taking bath at all. Avoid rain, and don’t stand on the ground where water collects. Never use umbrella. Stay away from electric high tension wires, and towers. Go indoors. If you are outside, go home. If it is not possible to go, then close your ears and sit on your knees in an open place. Go home when the danger is over.

Administration created control

Bareilly administration has issued control room number 0581-2553311 for any information. You can also contact on this. For health problems, call the mobile number 9412602773 of the Integrated Control Command Center.

This is how lightning is made, it falls 3 million times in a day

Some clouds get positive charge, while some get negative charge. When clouds with both types of charges collide with each other in the sky, electricity of millions of volts is generated. Sometimes the electricity generated in this way is so much that it reaches the earth. This phenomenon is called lightning strike. Every year around 24,000 people die due to lightning around the world. Lightning strikes 40 times in every second, that is, about 3 million times a day. When lightning strikes the ground, its strength is 100 million volts. How gruesome it is, it can be understood from the fact that the power of electricity supplied in our house is 220 volts.

Report: Muhammad Sajid

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