
Kumar Gandharva was as good a human being as he was a musician: Anand Gupta


Musician Kumar Gandharva: Pandit Kumar Gandharva was one of the famous Hindustani classical singers of India. Known for his unique singing style, Kumar ji developed his own style of classical music breaking the gharana tradition. Although his style was criticized by many, but no one could stop him from experimenting with the classical form. Eventually, his unique experiments kept taking him to the path of greatness. Pandit Kumar Gandharva was a strong person, who never bowed down to his critics and made a special place in the field of music and music.

Came to Dewas in the year 1948 due to TB disease

Kumar Gandharva came to Dewas in Madhya Pradesh in the year 1948. He started taking health benefits in the temperate climate of Malwa. Even after illness, his mind was often restless about music. The house where he was taking health benefits was on the outskirts of Dewas. Kumar ji used to recite meditation to the Malvi women and saints lying on the bed while coming and going from there. Despite being a native of Karnataka, Malvi folk songs greatly influenced him. From there the new Kumar Gandharva was born.

Loved traveling by tongas

The local people who know Kumar Gandharva believe that Kumar ji loved to travel by tongas. If he had to go even a little far from his residence, he preferred to go by tongas. There was some special reason behind this too. In fact, in those days, there were a large number of people running tongas in Dewas. This was also the main means of livelihood of the people. This is the reason that whether going from home to the station or the market, they preferred to go by tonga only, so that these people could get employment. Kumar Gandharva was as good a musician as he was a good human being. He was always ready to serve the poor and helpless people.

Malvi folk songs were threaded into new ragas

Kumar Gandharva gave unique vibrancy and power to Malvi folk music. He used to invent unknown ragas and make them alive with his musical practice. He matched folk tunes with classical ragas and started preparing new bandishes. In this way, he put Kabir’s verses in the color of Malvi folk tunes and started singing. He also performed several times in the auditorium of the local Malhar Smriti Mandir. Whenever there was a program of his in Malhar Smriti Mandir, the audience used to get mesmerized after listening to him. The style of taking alap during singing was so unique that the people sitting in the audience gallery used to press their fingers under their teeth. He also did many experiments in Thumri. Kumar ji also experimented with other genres of music like devotional songs known as bhajans, folk songs etc.


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