
Know why it is good to take bath with hot water in winter, what are the advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of Bathing With Hot Water

Advantages and disadvantages of bathing with hot water

When the season is winter, many people start avoiding bathing every day. In such a situation, some people advise taking bath with hot water. But many people do not know whether bathing with hot water is beneficial or harmful. Even if one has to take bath with hot water, there is often a lack of information regarding how hot it should be.

water bath

how about bath water

According to experts, bathing water should neither be too hot nor too cold during the winter season. That is, if you bathe with lukewarm water, it will not harm or damage the body. Many experts believe that bathing water should be equal to our body temperature so that there is no harm to the body.

immunity boost

immunity becomes stronger

Bathing with lukewarm water strengthens the immunity of the body. Having better immunity prevents diseases occurring in the winter season.

bathing health benefits

pores open up

Steam of lukewarm water opens the pores of the body. After opening the hole, it cleans it thoroughly. Besides, it also improves the respiratory system.


Reduces the risk of cold and cough

If you take bath with lukewarm water instead of cold water, you can avoid the problems of cold and cough during the winter season. There is a risk of getting cold by bathing in cold water in winter.

human body

Relaxes the body

After returning home after office or field work, bathing with lukewarm water can make you feel relaxed. This removes fatigue and also gives good sleep. If immunity is good, you can also take bath with cold water. Take bath with cold water in winter season only when your immunity is good.

Winter Hair Care


There is a problem of dryness after continuous bathing with hot water. Mostly this dryness is seen in hair. Even if you take bath with hot water, try to save your hair.

Bathing Mistakes

These are the health disadvantages

A person who continuously bathes in hot water may have blood pressure problems. Hot water hardens the muscles of the body. Apart from this, frequent bathing with hot water can increase the problem of back pain.


effect on skin

Hot water damages body cells. This reduces the brightness of the screen. Bathing with hot water does not maintain the moisture of the skin. There is a problem of dry skin.


This is a skin related disease

If you have problems like rashes, eczema, pimples, itching etc. then avoid bathing with hot water. Hot water can cause rashes on the body or cause redness.

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