
Know when and how often drinking can be beneficial for a healthy body.

Health Tips: To remain physically and mentally healthy, it is very important to consume adequate amount of water regularly. This benefits your health in many ways and water keeps you away from all kinds of diseases. Often doctors also recommend drinking several liters of water a day. There is no doubt that water has many important properties, which help in protecting you from diseases. But sometimes the wrong way and wrong time of drinking water can cause harm to the body instead of benefiting it. Well-known dietitian Simran Vohra has shared a post on her Instagram, in which she has told when to drink water during the day.

first thing after getting up

Drinking water after waking up in the morning can help in activating your internal organs. It regulates your metabolism. It also hydrates your body after hours of sleep and helps in eliminating toxins.

after workout

When you exercise, your body loses water through sweat. Drinking water after a workout helps to replace lost fluids. Also the level of hydration remains intact. At the same time, your heart rate returns to normal. Additionally, it aids muscle recovery and prevents dehydration.

30 minutes before meals

If you drink water half an hour before meals, it can help in digestion. It may help prepare your stomach for food by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes. Along with this, hunger will also reduce and you will remain full. With this, you will not feel like eating again and again and will be saved from the problem of overeating.

before bathing

If you consume water before bathing, it can help in reducing blood pressure. It is thought to temporarily thin your blood, making it easier for your heart to pump. However, always keep in mind that if you have high blood pressure, it is not a substitute for medical treatment.

Also Read: Bay Leaf Water Benefits: Consume bay leaf water on an empty stomach, you will get miraculous benefits.

before sleeping at night

Drinking water regularly and in sufficient quantity before sleeping at night can compensate for the fluid loss during the day. Drinking water before sleeping helps in maintaining hydration levels. If you do this, you will not have to face major symptoms of dehydration like dry mouth and headache in the morning.

when feeling tired

Due to dehydration we feel very tired mentally and physically. Whenever you are feeling tired, drinking water can help hydrate your body. You can also get fresh energy. In such a situation, it is very important to stay hydrated throughout the day to avoid fatigue.

when you are unwell

When you are sick, hydration becomes very important. It helps a lot in functioning of the body naturally. You can keep your body hydrated by consuming plenty of water. Water helps in maintaining body temperature. Apart from this, it lubricates the joints, aids in digestion and also helps in delivering nutrients and oxygen to the body cells.

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