
Knee pain increases as soon as winter arrives, do these remedies without ignoring them; will get relief

knee problems


Regular massage is necessary to get relief from knee pain. Cook garlic, celery and cloves in mustard oil and then massage with that oil. This will bring great relief

pain in knee

maintain movement

Keep movement in the knees. For this, make a habit of walking daily. You can also do light workout. Due to lack of movement at all, knees can get jammed in winter.

winter problems

expert advice

Keep the body active. This will maintain blood circulation, which will provide relief from joint pain and especially knee pain. To overcome calcium deficiency in the body, one can take calcium tablets on the advice of an expert.


definitely soak up the sun

Make a habit of sitting in the sun every day during cold weather. Especially apply sunlight to your knees. This will provide a lot of relief from pain. Getting Vitamin D in the body will provide relief from pain.

knee pain

You will get relief from fomentation with water.

Soak a cloth in lukewarm water and place it alternately on both the knees. This will leave you in pain. Swelling will also reduce. Do this continuously if there is severe pain.


Follow correct posture

Do not follow wrong posture to cause joint pain. Wrong posture affects the knees. Do not lift heavy things by bending. This can increase pain, so it is important to follow correct posture.

food to eat

consume these regularly

In case of joint pain, cinnamon, cumin and ginger should be used regularly in food. Use almonds, curd, chickpea, ragi. In case of joint pain, you can drink the substance which is deficient in vitamins and calcium.

body weight

Control body weight

Those suffering from joint pain, keep a regular eye on their body weight. Prevent it from increasing by working out, because it has a direct effect on the knees. Joint pain can increase due to weight gain.


don’t stress

Those suffering from any kind of disease should not take any stress at all. Do yoga daily. Eat fruits. Eat whole grains. Avoid non-vegetarian food. Think in a positive direction for your life.

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