
KK Pathak’s new order, schools will open even during summer holidays, teachers will have to come daily

One month summer vacations are to start in government schools of Bihar from 15th April. But before that, KK Pathak has issued a new order. According to the order issued by the Education Department, schools will open for special classes under Mission Daksh during holidays. For which teachers will have to come to school every day. During this period, mid-day meal will be given to the children coming to school. The Directorate of Primary Education has issued an order in this regard.

Summer vacation from 15th April to 15th May

In fact, special classes are already being conducted under Mission Daksh for about 20 lakh identified weak children from class three to class eight. There will be summer vacation in schools from 15th April to 15th May. The Education Department has decided to continue the classes of Mission Daksh even during these holidays. During this period, midday meal will be given to the children coming to school at 10 am.

Class will run from 8 to 10 o’clock

The special thing is that these classes will be conducted from 8 to 10 in the morning. In such a situation, teachers will have to reach school before eight o’clock. After this, they will teach children in the rooms operated under Mission Daksh and then will be able to return after midday meal.

Classes will be held for these children

According to official information, under Mission Daksh, special classes are being conducted for those students of class 3 to 8 who are weak in basic knowledge of Mathematics, Hindi and English. During summer vacations, if other children of the same age group want to come to study in this class run under Mission Daksh, they will also be taught. After teaching such children, a special examination will be conducted to promote them to the next class under the rules of RTE. Students who have failed in the recently held annual examination can also join these classes of Mission Daksh.

Education Department issued letter for necessary preparation

Director of Primary Education Mithilesh Mishra has written a letter to all the district education officers for necessary preparations in this regard. The letter said that efforts to provide infrastructure to schools and other basic amenities like drinking water, sanitation etc. will continue even during the summer holidays.

Also Read: These teachers will be declared fake! Education department gave last chance for verification

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