
Karma Puja 2023: This day is Karma Puja, the festival of brother and sister, know here the auspicious time, method of worship and importance.

Karma Puja 2023: Karma Puja will be organized on 25 September 2023. The puja is especially celebrated in the states of Bihar and Jharkhand, where the festival lasts for the whole day with traditional rituals for Lord Karam. Let us tell you that Karma Puja is not just a limited holiday, this festival has special significance. This is the main objective of Karma festival. Sister observes fast on Ekadashi for the happiness and prosperity of her brother. Along with this, good agriculture and a good harvest from nature are prayed for.

This is how Karma Puja begins

Teej is immersed in rivers and ponds early in the morning. In the evening, Karma Daala is established by the virgin sisters. The virgin sisters sing songs from their respective homes and reach the rivers and ponds with bamboo sticks. Where they take bath and bring sand from rivers and ponds into the dala and all the sisters sit in the akhadas. During the same time, different types of seeds are woven with barley in Dala.

Know the method of worship

In the courtyard of the house where cleanliness has been done, the Karam branch is buried ritually. After that the place is purified by daubing it in cow dung. The sisters carry a decorated basket or plate and sit all around in the courtyard or arena to worship Karam Raja. She prays to Karam Raja, O Karam Raja! To give happiness and prosperity to my brother. Never let him go on the wrong path. Here the sister reveals her pure thoughts and spirit of sacrifice. The immense love between brother and sister is visible here. This puja is performed by the village elder.

The story of Karma and Dharma is narrated after the puja.

After the completion of the puja, Karam Katha is told. The story of Karma and Dharma is narrated in the story. The main objective of the story is to do good deeds. In this context, Dr. Giridhari Ram Gaunjhu says that K, Kha, Ga, Gha, N tabe rahbe changa. That means, work with A, eat with B, sing with C and then move around, then you will remain healthy. Who can do the work and who can stay with him? What it means to say is that if you do any work, do it with your whole heart and if you walk on the path, walk with a friend. After the story ends, all the girls embrace Karam Dali. After that the dance and song continues throughout the night.

Unmarried girls and married women wait eagerly

Karma festival is a symbol of mutual harmony, affection and love between brothers and sisters. This festival is celebrated on Bhadrapada Shukla Paksha Ekadashi date. Unmarried girls and married women eagerly wait for this festival. This festival is celebrated with great pomp in every block of Hazaribagh district. Sisters perform folk dance with Karma song for seven days. The sixth day is moderate. Waterless fast is observed on the second day. The main puja is organized on this day. In the evening, a branch of Karam plant is planted in the courtyard and worshiped with fruits, flowers etc. During this time, women roam around Karamdali and sing songs.

Married women celebrate the festival in their parents’ home.

Brothers take cucumber and ask their sisters for whom they celebrate Karma Parv, to which the sisters answer for the well-wishes of the brothers. Later the brother hits the cucumber, after which the women and girls eat fruits. The next morning the Karam branch is immersed in the pond. The biggest specialty of this festival is that married women celebrate the festival in their maternal homes.

Many stories are also popular

However, many other stories related to Karma-Dharma are also popular. Somewhere the mythology is that when Lord Karma worships Karma, his wife bathes Karma’s plants with hot milk, due to which his karma gets burnt. He becomes poor. At the same time, his brother Dharma becomes rich because he worships properly. Then they go there and worship the Karam branch again. Then their karma awakens. Karma finds gold, silver and money at many places on the way. Due to which he becomes rich.

Karma festival is celebrated in a unique style in Hazaribagh

There is a festive atmosphere everywhere regarding Karma Puja. At the same time, the festival of Karma is celebrated in a unique style in Barkagaon block of Hazaribagh district. Here, before immersing the dala of Teej, Bhoot Bharni is performed by the devotees and devotees. Then the branch of karma is established. Karam’s dala is awakened morning and evening for seven days. On the day of Sanjot, a day before Karma Puja, Pahan Deval Bhuyan of the village goes to the cave of Mahodi mountain at 2 o’clock in the night, filling the ghosts from the Devi Mandap. Seg Kadam flowers are brought from there. Flowers are offered to the Goddess temple and all the temples in the village. Then the flowers are delivered to all the Karma Akharas. In many villages and localities of Barkagaon, Bhoot Bharni is performed by the devotees who establish Dewas. Then Karma Puja happens.

The story of Karma and Dharma is narrated after the puja.

After the completion of the puja, Karam Katha is told. The story of Karma and Dharma is narrated in the story. The main objective of the story is to do good deeds. In this context, Dr. Giridhari Ram Gaunjhu says that K, Kha, Ga, Gha, N tabe rahbe changa. That means, work with A, eat with B, sing with C and then move around, then you will remain healthy. Who can do the work and who can stay with him? What it means to say is that if you do any work, do it with your whole heart and if you walk on the path, walk with a friend. After the story ends, all the girls embrace Karam Dali. After that the dance and song continues throughout the night.

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