
Kanpur News: 300 loudspeakers were removed from religious places, instructions were given to police officers at night itself

Kanpur. To curb noise pollution, the Commissionerate Police got loudspeakers removed from across the city. The campaign was started by Kanpur Police Commissionerate since Sunday night. 300 loudspeakers were removed from religious and public places. Besides, the volume of 143 loudspeakers was reduced as per the standards. To reduce noise pollution, Special DG Law and Order Prashant Kumar had given instructions to remove illegal loudspeakers in the entire state. Between Sunday and Monday, illegal loudspeakers were identified in temples and mosques and other public places in Kanpur. The campaign was conducted in the entire Kanpur Police Commissionerate including Panki, Bekanganj, Babupurwa, Govind Nagar, Sisamau. The Police Commissioner himself came out on the road and got the loudspeakers removed.

Instructions given to police officers at night itself

After receiving instructions from the government, the Police Commissioner issued instructions to all the police stations in the night itself to take action against illegal loudspeakers. Apart from this, he also instructed all DCPs including Joint CP to monitor this campaign. According to the official, the campaign will continue. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has set noise standards according to the areas. According to this, criteria are fixed for industrial, commercial, residential and silence zones. However, can be played with permission and conditions.

Where and how many loudspeakers were deployed?

● East Zone 38 loudspeakers were found to be non-standard. -38 loudspeakers were found to be non-standard. His voice was lowered. 83 loudspeakers were installed illegally and were removed.

●South Zone got 69 illegal loudspeakers taken down – 30 loudspeakers were found against the standards and 69 were found illegal. Also warned not to tamper with the standards. Whereas in the Central Zone, 35 loudspeakers were found to be installed contrary to the standards and 51 were found installed illegally.

●West Zone 40 not meeting the standards – 40 loudspeakers were found contrary to the standards and 97 were installed illegally. They were also rectified and the illegal loudspeaker was taken down and taken into their possession.

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