
Kanpur News: 1.25 lakh challans were cut in three months, commissioner expressed concern, campaign will run for awareness


Kanpur : How aware people are about traffic rules in Kanpur, UP. It can be estimated that in the last 3 months about 1.5 lakh challans have been issued for vehicles. Not only this, the number of challans is also increasing every month. These figures have come to the fore during the inspection of Commissioner Rajasekhar in the RTO department.

Now RTO and traffic department have also made HSRP number plate mandatory on vehicles. The campaign for HSRP number plates will be started from June 1. Vehicles without HSRP plates will be fined 5000 in the first instance.

Commissioner inspected RTO

Commissioner Rajasekhar had made a surprise inspection of the RTO department. Here he got to know the status of the movements from DCP traffic. DCP Traffic told that 39804 challans have been done in February, 62003 in March and 72850 in April. All these challans are done on the spot and through ITMS.

Commissioner inspected the RTO department

Seeing the increasing number of challans, the commissioner has expressed concern. He has said that awareness campaign for traffic rules should be run in schools every month. So that more and more people can become aware of the rules.

Strictness seen on illegal stand

After the order of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, the strictness of the traffic department was seen today at the illegal bus stand at Ramadevi intersection. The traffic department also issued challans to vehicles parked illegally here. Which includes tempo, taxi and bus. Please inform that taxi stands were operating illegally in dozens of places across the city. Since the order of the Chief Minister, strictness has been shown on all illegal stands.

Report: Ayush Tiwari


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