
Kalyug’s ‘Shravan Kumar’ is visiting religious places to his mother, know how he reached Sitamarhi by traveling 67,000 km


Amitabh Kumar, Sitamarhi. In the wind of modernity, people in joint families are not able to spare time for elderly parents. Due to this parents have started feeling neglected. He starts feeling like a stranger in his own house. Some such cases also come to the fore, where on the one hand the parents faced the economic crisis and included their children in the mainstream of the society, but today the parents have become a burden for those children.

Quit job after 13 years to take mother on tour

In the midst of all this, a wonderful news has been seen in the society which creates a positive message and a slight smile on the face. A man from Mysore in Karnataka state did not marry to fulfill his mother’s wishes. Not only this, after working for 13 years, he left his job. In today’s date, he is making his mother sit on his father’s scooter and take her to the religious places of the country. D Krishna Kumar is taking his 73 year old mother Chuda Ratnama to religious places in all parts of India. In this sequence, he went to visit mythological and religious places related to Ramayana period located in Sitamarhi district. On reaching Sitamarhi, he was warmly welcomed by social worker Manoj Shakti. Like Atithi Devo Bhava: Manoj welcomed the mother and son at his home.

Have visited Bhutan, Nepal and Myanmar

D Krishna Kumar says- It seems that his late father is with him on his father’s scooter. D Krishna Kumar worked for 13 years as a team leader in a multinational company. After that, the money that was accumulated from that earning, was kept in the bank in the name of his mother. With the interest money received from the bank, he is taking his mother to visit the religious places of the country and the world. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, including Bhutan, Nepal and Myanmar, he has taken his mother on an old scooter. Till now, he has covered a distance of 67 thousand kilometers with the scooter.


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