
Jharkhand Weather LIVE: Severe heat for four to five days in many districts of Jharkhand


The heat is wreaking havoc in Ranchi

The scorching heat is troubling the capital Ranchi. People are troubled by the fire raining from the sky. Due to the hot winds during the day, it has become difficult for people to leave their homes. This is the reason why there is silence on the streets in the afternoon. On Thursday, the maximum temperature of the city was around 39 degree Celsius. Along with the common people, the condition of school children is also in trouble due to the heat. While returning from school in the hot afternoon, the condition of the children is getting worse. Parents are also worried about this. Children and the elderly need to be most alert in summer.

Severe heat for four to five days in many districts of Jharkhand

People of Ranchi and other districts of Jharkhand will have to face severe heat for four to five days. Due to the cyclone arising in the Bay of Bengal, there may be light clouds in the sky in many areas of Jharkhand. Due to this, people may face problems due to the humid heat in the day and evening.


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