
Jharkhand Weather Forecast: Weather will be clear today, it may rain for three days from tomorrow, department issued alert

There is a possibility of change in the weather of Jharkhand once again. The weather will be clear on March 15, but the heat will increase. At the same time, there may be partial clouds in the southern part. At this time the maximum temperature may increase by four to five degrees Celsius. At the same time, there may be light rain with thunderstorms in many parts of the state from 16 to 18 March. In view of this, the Meteorological Department has issued a yellow alert. According to the Meteorological Department, Chakulia received 12.4 mm of rain in 24 hours. This time the change in weather is happening due to the formation of low pressure area in the Bay of Bengal. However, its direction is towards Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. But, its partial impact will also be on Jharkhand.

Ranchi’s temperature for the last four days (in degrees Celsius)

date max min

14 March 33.0 18.9

13 March 33.4 17.6

12 March 30.8 19.5

11 March 31.0 15.0

Scientific advice: Rabi crop is ready, harvest it

Here, agricultural scientists of Birsa Agricultural University have issued advisory for farmers regarding change in weather. Under this, farmers maintain adequate moisture in various crops and vegetables by regular irrigation. Whatever Rabi crop is ready, harvest it immediately before Saturday. After harvesting the crop, if adequate moisture is present in the soil, plow the field and do not plow the field. Leave the soil open. This will destroy the weeds and insects present there. After harvesting of Rabi crop, farmers should prepare nursery of hot vegetables keeping in view the possibility of rain in the coming days. After the mango and litchi trees bear fruit, irrigate them regularly. Spray Planofix to protect fruits from falling.

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