
Jharkhand Weather: 6 children died due to thunderstorm in Jharkhand, warning of thunderstorm for 3 days, Orange alert issued


Ranchi/Udhwa (Sahibganj): In Sahibganj and Pakur on Sunday, six children were killed by lightning, while two children and a person were seriously injured. Here, the Meteorological Center has warned of thunder and lightning in different parts of the state from May 1 to 3. During this, the wind speed can be 30 to 40 kilometers per hour. The Meteorological Center has issued a warning and ‘Orange Alert’ for May 1. While ‘Yellow Alert’ has been issued for May 2 and 3. After May 3, the heat may increase. During this time it will be cloudy.

Thunderstorm havoc after sudden storm and rain

The incident of Thanka Giren in Sahibganj took place in Babutola mango orchard of western Udhwa under Radhanagar police station area. Four children died in this incident. These include Babutola resident Humayun Sheikh’s daughter Ayesha Khatoon (14) and son Nazrul Sheikh (10), Mehboob Sheikh’s son Tauqeer Sheikh (12) and Asraful Sheikh’s son Zahid Sheikh (10). On the other hand, Humayun Sheikh’s another daughter Nastra Khatoon (8) is injured. He is being treated at Rajmahal Subdivision Hospital. It is being told that suddenly the storm and rain started on Sunday afternoon. During this, these five children had reached Bagan to pick mangoes. Meanwhile, the rain intensified. All the five children stood under a mango tree to avoid the rain. Meanwhile, with a loud roar, Thanka fell near that mango tree, due to which four children died on the spot.

Two teenagers killed, two injured in Maheshpur and Hiranpur

On the other hand, Haken Hansda (16), a resident of Dholkatta village under Pakuria police station area, died due to a landslide in Abhuva-Sirishtalla under Maheshpur police station area. Whereas, Pakudia resident Nolesh Hansda (12) and Abhuwa-Sirishtalla resident Philip Marandi (36) were badly burnt. On the other hand, a 13-year-old child died due to a hailstorm on Sunday afternoon in Birgram of Hiranpur police station area.

Warning of thunder and hailstorm in the capital as well

The Meteorological Center has issued a warning of thunder and hailstorm in many areas of the capital for May 1. According to the weather center, damage to roofs, vehicles and other property may occur during this period. Looking at the weather conditions, farmers can also consider covering their crops.

Take precautions if there is thunder and lightning

Avoid using electronic equipment or landline phones during thunder and lightning. Lightning also travels through power lines. Don’t stay under the tree. Stay away from windows during thunderstorms. Do not stand under electric wires.


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