
Jharkhand: Wake up administration! People are crossing the railway line risking their lives in Chaibasa, no one is taking care

Jharkhand News: Every day, hundreds of students and common people risk their lives to travel from JMAP Chowk (Chaibasa) on the Chaibasa-Tata railway line. About 74 trains pass on this railway route daily. JMP Chowk does not have an underpass to reach Pathway or Dilliyamarcha village. Local people have demanded to build an underpass near JMP Chowk. Three years ago there was a railway gate near JMP Chowk. The gate was closed after the construction of the railway overbridge. Now the people of Dilliyamarcha and Khapparsai are facing problems in transportation.

Villagers are afraid of commuting through ROB

Villagers say that one can travel through the railway overbridge. However, people are often losing their lives in accidents on ROB. In such a situation, people hesitate to go through ROB. At the same time, one has to cover a long distance to reach the village via the bridge.

It takes more time to go via Amlatola

However, for the movement of people, an underpass has been constructed near the Ranisati Dadi temple of Amlatola along with the railway over bridge. When school children and villagers use this underpass, their distance increases by one and a half to two kilometers. This is why they adopt the shortcut route.

Underpass necessary near JMP Chowk

Local Durga Rakshit says that due to lack of underpass near JMP Chowk, children and common people risk their lives by crossing the railway line. The situation worsens on Tuesday, the day of weekly market. Due to being the busiest railway route, there is a fear of accident.

Public representatives should draw the attention of the government

At the same time, Mahendra Pan says that construction of underpass near JMP Chowk is necessary. Hundreds of school children and villagers travel through the railway crossing every day. Public representatives should also draw the government’s attention to this matter.

Underpass is necessary near JMP Chowk.

Sunil Kumar Tiu says that people of Dilliyamarcha and surrounding villages including Khapparsai come and go through the railway track. At the same time, one will have to travel an additional distance of one and a half to two kilometers via Amlatola. Underpass is necessary near JMP Chowk.

Villagers face problems due to gate closure

Local Parshuram Pan says that the people of Diliamarcha used to travel through the rail gate near JMP Chowk in the east. After the formation of ROB, this gate was closed. Now the villagers have to travel a lot.

Villagers face problems due to lack of underpass

At the same time, Mo Naseem says that due to lack of underpass near JMP Chowk, rural and school children have to travel by crossing the railway track. If people travel through ROB or Amlatola, then their distance will increase manifold.

Human rights team became aware of the problems of the villagers

The team of Manavdhikar Sahayata Sangh conducted an awareness campaign by visiting the remote villages Bada Mirgilindi and Jikilata village of Hatgamhariya block. Union’s state president K Devraj Hessa inspected the sub-health center and dilapidated Anganwadi center which had been closed for years. Mr. Hessa assured the villagers of providing health care soon. The villagers put their problems before Mr. Hessa. Kept After listening to the problem, Mr. Hessa assured to solve it on priority basis. In making this public awareness campaign successful, the members of the team were District Incharge Rajesh Kumhar, Block President Prakash Hembram, Ababulal Singh Kutiya, Secretary Devendra Nath Sinku and Basant Biruwa.

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