
Jharkhand: The rain situation in Gumla is worrisome, instead of 265 in August, only 119 mm of rain has been received so far.

Gumla, Jagarnath Paswan: The rain situation is not good in Gumla district. In the month of August, 265.7 mm of normal rainfall is required. Against which only 119.9 mm normal rainfall has been received till 18th August. Agriculture is being affected only because of less rain. According to agricultural scientists, 205.3 mm of normal rainfall is required in the month of June, 299.7 mm in July and 265.7 mm in August in Gumla district for good farming. Against which only 115 mm in the month of June, 170.2 mm in the month of July and 119.9 mm in the month of August till August 18 is the normal rainfall.

less than half of the rain

Three months which is the rainy season. It has rained less than half. Since Gumla is a plateau area. Because of this it rained. That too did not get accumulated in the fields and toads and went straight into the rivers. There are many big rivers in Gumla district. The rain water coming out of the high mountains and forests gets absorbed directly in the rivers. Because of which paddy cultivation has been affected. If there is a dam here, that too is not cultivable. Pond and Dobha are also not very useful. Dobha is almost dead.

Proper farming is not happening due to lack of good rain

If we look at the cultivation of Kharif crops in Gumla district after the rains, then it is worrying. Cultivation of various Kharif crops of paddy, maize, jowar, bajra, madua, arhar, urad, moong, kulthi, groundnut, sesame, soyabean, sunflower, castor etc. used to end in the month of July after starting from June. After this, the farmers used to take care of the plants being prepared and the fruits grown in it. But, this year due to poor rains, proper cultivation could not be done even till the third week of August.

Till August 18, only 60 percent paddy cultivation in the district

According to the report of the District Agriculture Office, till August 18, only 60 percent paddy cultivation has been done in the district. Every year in the Kharif season, there is a target of covering 1.88 lakh hectares of land with paddy in the entire district. Against which only 1,12,085 hectares of land could be cultivated. In which cultivation has been done on 32,226 hectares of land by sprinkling method and 79,859 by planting method.

Paddy is the main crop of Gumla district.

Please tell that paddy is the main crop of Gumla district. But, due to lack of sufficient rains, so far only 40 to 80 percent paddy cultivation has been done in most of the blocks of the district. Whereas, Maize 78 percent, Madua 71 percent, Arhar 51 percent, Urad 75 percent, Moong 37 percent, Kulthi 10 percent, other pulses 22 percent, groundnut 82 percent, sesame five percent, soyabean one percent and surguja should be cultivated only 17 percent. Has been able Similarly, the cultivation of other kharif crops, jowar, bajra, sunflower and castor has not even started. Despite the cultivation of Madua being less than the coverage target last year, its cultivation is very good this year.

emphasis on cultivation of Madua

So far this year more than double the cultivation of Madua has been done as compared to last year. Till a year ago, Madua was cultivated only on about 1500 hectares of land across the district. After this, the cultivation of Madua expanded last year and Madua was cultivated on about 3500 hectares of land. At the same time, this year a target has been fixed for cultivation of Madua on 10 thousand hectares of land. Against which 71 percent Madua cultivation has been done.

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