
Jharkhand: Sukhdev Hembram, eyewitness of Guava firing, said – just remembering the accident makes the soul tremble.

The general meeting was held in Guava on September 8.

Leading leaders of Jungle Andolan and Jharkhand Movement announced to hold a public meeting in Guava on 8th September, 1980. This was such an announcement that every tribal started marching towards Guava to listen to it. Sukhdev says that on September 6 and 7, a large number of tribals left their homes on foot and headed towards Guava. The roads leading to Guava were filled with tribals walking on foot. Seeing such a large crowd of tribals gathering, the district and police administration became alert. Sukhdev tells that before leaving for Guva, a meeting was held in Goilkera with fellow agitators late Shula Purti, Ishwar Sardar, Jura Cherwa, Mariam Cherwa, Sukram Kasra, Soma Munda, Ratni Purti on the morning of 7th September. It was decided that everyone would gather at Guava Aerodrome by 2 pm. A procession will be taken out from there and will go to Guva Bazar, the venue of the meeting.

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