
Jharkhand: State government will give a bonus of Rs 117 to farmers, they will get Rs 2300 for one quintal of paddy.

The Cabinet approved a bonus amount of Rs 117 per quintal to be given by the State Government to the farmers for procurement of paddy at Minimum Support Price (MSP) from the farmers in the year 2023-24, in addition to the price fixed by the Government of India. Now the farmers of the state can be given the amount for paddy at the rate of Rs 2300 per quintal. This decision of the state government will put an additional burden of Rs 70.20 crore on the treasury. Cabinet approves the State Paddy Procurement Scheme, arranges funds for the scheme along with obtaining loans from banks up to the limit of Rs 1,000 crore for timely payment to farmers and incentive payment at the rate of Rs 60 per quintal to rice millers. Consent obtained. A target of procuring a total of six lakh metric tonnes of paddy from the farmers of the state was also set.

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