
Jharkhand: People suffering due to scorching heat, relief from storm and rain in these areas

Ranchi: In Chakradharpur area of ​​West Singhbhum district of Jharkhand, it rained with thunderstorm on Thursday evening. In this, the asbestos of many houses flew away. A woman got injured in this sequence. In other districts, people were troubled by the heat. On the one hand power cut, on the other hand people were suffering due to heat.

a woman injured

Chakradharpur: In Sirkapi village of Kulitodang panchayat of Chakradharpur block, asbestos of three houses were blown away and damaged in the thunderstorm that came on Thursday evening. A woman was also injured in this. The injured woman is being treated at Sadar Hospital. It is said that Sumi Jamuda, wife of Munda Anant Lal Jamuda, a resident of Sirkapi village, was standing in the courtyard of the house during the storm. Meanwhile, a piece of asbestos flew and fell on him. Due to this, Sumi Jamuda’s head and other parts of the body got hurt. Due to the strong storm, the asbestos of the houses of the other two people of the village were also broken. Many trees also fell in the storm.

Temperature crossed 40, silence on the roads till 6 pm

Due to rising temperature in Hazaribagh, there is silence on the streets in the city from 9 am to 6 pm. People’s routine has changed. Children, old people, women are forced to stay in homes. The main road of the city, Guru Gobind Singh Road, Malviya Marg, which used to be jammed throughout the day, seems to be deserted at six in the evening. Same is the case with other roads in the city. People are very upset due to the heat.

people upset due to heat

Talking about the last one week, the temperature was recorded at 40 degrees for six days. 40 degree Celsius was recorded on June 9, 38 degree on June 10, 40 degree on June 11, 40 degree on June 12, 40 degree on June 13, 40 degree on June 14 and 40 degree centigrade on June 15. Due to extreme heat, people are avoiding going out. At the same time, due to the poor arrangement of power supply, people are troubled by the heat even inside the house. The complaint of drying up of wells and chapanal due to lowering of water level is common. People are worried about water in every house. Water is being supplied daily for only 10-15 minutes from Chhadva Dam. Because of this, a stampede-like situation is created to get water from the taps.

power cut more than nine hours a day

In Hazaribagh, daily power cut is happening for more than nine hours. On June 9, the power supply remained disrupted for 9.20 hours. On June 10, for ten hours, on June 11 for eight hours, on June 12 for nine hours, on June 13 for nine hours, on June 14 for 10 hours and on June 15 for almost nine hours, power supply remained suspended.

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