
Jharkhand needs new educational approach, read this special article on Foundation Day

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela. This statement seems more relevant in the context of Jharkhand state. This state of ours has been an eyewitness to various challenges and conflicts since its inception. Even after 23 years of crying and recriminations, there are still many areas that require tireless work. In such a situation, collective effort for all-round development from the state of Jharkhand becomes inevitable. Equal responsibility of all of us is automatically determined.

When one is extremely thirsty, any type of food seems distasteful. This simple statement is complex. Efforts should be made for change or improvement as per the needs of each society. We, the few educated and so-called intellectuals, are often unable to understand whether the person in front of us is thirsty or hungry. With our little knowledge we feel that this is the best and only option for ‘them’. The formulation of many policies and schemes is based on this thinking, but it is not right to blame only the government and the system.

If we look at education, there are many components in it, which include institutions, government machinery, students, teachers and parents. And a meaningful coordination among all these is extremely necessary. Unfortunately there is a lack of communication among all these components or the communication is one-sided, where the only option is to follow the instructions of higher institutions.

Education does not just teach the way of life, “Education is life”. There is a difference between being educated and being literate. But in the present environment, very few people now consider education as a factor in life or personality development. Now job or employment is the ultimate objective of education and this is probably not wrong. In such a situation, when we think and try for the betterment of our Jharkhand state, it seems that education is the only option we have, through which we can strengthen the social, cultural, political, economic, constitutional, employment and social harmony. Can.

A new educational approach in Jharkhand can imbibe new dimensions for the betterment of the state. I would like to discuss its practicality and relevance in the context of the under construction Jharkhand Tribal University. Apart from the traditional curriculum, the natural potential of the state of Jharkhand, the mineral wealth in the tribal dominated area, the rich forest area, the local population, which has unity in diversity, all these components have to be fueled for better change. This is possible only when the Jharkhandi community is empowered from every point of view. Educational institutions and universities can play an important role in this.

A decade from now, many current traditional jobs may no longer exist. At the rate at which technological development is taking place, it will easily replace many traditional jobs. In such a situation, are we ready for this unexpected change? Written courses exist in many institutions, but in the new approach these courses will have to be made ‘community centric’. In such a situation, Jharkhand Tribal University should be established as such an institution, where enrollment should not be considered only on the basis of your previous educational qualification. Even an illiterate can enroll in employment oriented courses here. This sounds like a utopian concept. Let us let them decide whether the community is thirsty or hungry.

There are immense possibilities of tourism in Jharkhand. In such a situation, be it the students here or the communities of that particular geographical area, they can be empowered in tourism management. ‘Homestay’ is a successful experiment in the north-eastern states. The community should be empowered and strengthened from production to marketing of tribal fine arts, paintings, artefacts etc. Tribal entrepreneurship can be promoted educationally. Jharkhand is a state where genetic study is needed. Specific genetic diseases are found in particular communities here. The community will have to be involved in these efforts. Today even our villages are not untouched by modernity and hence it becomes necessary that the youth should be collectively empowered for village management.

From the point of view of language and culture, we are silently moving towards ‘extinction’. Educational institutions can also take the responsibility of their conservation and promotion with community participation. There are many areas where the community can be empowered. All these efforts are appropriate and accurate in the context of Jharkhand state. Women Specific Studies, Construction of Sports University, Industrial Displacement Management and Rehabilitation, Local Mining Disaster Management, Natural Disaster Management, Climate Change, Tribal Specific Constitutional Studies, Traditional Agricultural Management, Community Forest Management, Indigenous Knowledge System, Social Interaction with Existing Natural Resources Economic development, socio-cultural hindrances in development, wildlife disaster management etc. These topics are already present, but there is a lack of community participation. Education has to be implemented. There should also be political will.

For the Jharkhandi community, this effort is for economic survival and not for capitalism. Therefore our emphasis should be on local empowerment. In the present scenario, we should mainly focus on local, community-specific and self-employment creation. In sectors where a particular village or community is likely to get any kind of economic empowerment within their own area, the government should provide autonomy to these villages or communities. For example, if we look at tourism, there should not be any kind of government interference in all the small and big employment opportunities that will be created related to tourism. If the village people are able to generate income on their own, they will become self-reliant.

Today, such professional courses are developing rapidly, which may take us to the top of the world. In such a situation, we are focusing on a global economy. We are turning people into ‘machines’ at a rapid pace. And perhaps that is why human values ​​and emotions are decreasing. Machines don’t have emotions, remember that. Recently there was an invitation for an online class at the Department of Indology, University of Tübingen, Germany. In his statement, it was highlighted how in the modern and mechanical era, the moral values ​​of the once culturally and family-rich countries, Japan and China, have declined rapidly. Now scholars are looking for its solution locally among the community.

In this era of privatization, educational institutions also first check the ratio of ‘input and output’ and only then adopt any effort. Was in a similar discussion with a senior Indian Administrative Service officer of Jharkhand cadre. I had talked about the obstruction and irony of the above efforts and had said that Sir, if the institution is not able to ‘collect money’ through such efforts, then all these efforts would never be included in the curriculum. Institutions classify such efforts as ‘self-financed’. He had then said with surprise, educational institutions will have to come forward. Any educational institution is a public welfare initiative. Where did it come from after ‘advantages and disadvantages’?

(These are the personal views of the author.)

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