
Jharkhand: MRI test of Pooja Singhal not done due to machine failure, admitted to RIMS from jail due to ill health


Jharkhand News: Admitted to paying ward of RIMS due to ill health Pooja Singhal The MRI test could not be done on Wednesday. They could not be tested due to machine breakdown. However, doctors have advised to get MRI test done. At the same time, a sample has been sent for investigation related to blood, the report of which is expected by Friday. After the report comes, the doctors treating will take a decision on further treatment and medicines. Pooja Singhal is being treated by neurologist Dr Surendra Kumar.

Pooja Singhal brought to RIMS from jail due to ill health

It may be known that on Tuesday evening, Pooja Singhal was admitted to RIMS on the complaint of uneasiness, dizziness and severe headache. He was brought to the Central Emergency of the Trauma Center amidst security by the jail administration, where he was consulted by the doctors of the neurology department according to the problem. After consultation, he was admitted to the paying ward.

Common patients are also troubled, private investigation agency became Sahara

Patients seeking medical consultation in Neuro Surgery, Neurology Department and Orthopedic Department are upset due to non-availability of MRI test. Patients have to go to the private test house for examination. The biggest problem is being faced by Ayushman and BPL patients, whose investigation is not being done in the government’s authorized investigation agency Health Map. Because the agency’s money is left with RIMS. The agency has banned the free investigation for non-payment of money.

Hotwar jailed in money laundering case

Explain that suspended IAS Pooja Singhal, accused of money laundering case related to MNREGA and MNREGA and mining scam, is lodged in Birsa Munda Central Jail located at Hotwar, Ranchi. In April 2023, Pooja Singhal surrendered in the ED court after the interim bail granted by the Supreme Court expired.


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