
Jharkhand: Mahadev of Chakradharpur, who returned safely from Uttarkashi tunnel accident, narrated his ordeal to BollywoodWallah.

Mahadev Nayak, a resident of Chelabeda village of Chakradharpur, who returned safely after taking second birth in the Uttarkashi Tunnel accident, spoke to BollywoodWallah on telephone and narrated the incident. All the things told by Mahadev are quite scary. He told that on November 12, all the workers were coming out of the tunnel with great curiosity regarding Diwali. Meanwhile, between 4 to 4:30 in the evening, a loud sound came inside the tunnel and darkness prevailed. At that time there were 41 workers of three contractors inside the tunnel. Everyone started looking for a way out, but there was no way out from anywhere. The news of the accident somehow reached the contractor. After several hours, light came in the tunnel. After this, news of tunnel collapse came to light. It felt as if life was over. We all were worried about whether we would be able to get out of here or not. There was no power cut inside the tunnel even for a minute for 17 days after the accident. During this time, all the workers came together and encouraged each other. Everyone happened together in this painful incident. Everyone took their problems outside the tunnel at their own level.

20 laborers had mobile phones, the rest had left them in the room.

Mahadev further said, when the workers went to work inside the tunnel on November 12, more than half of them had left their mobile phones in the room. The contractor under whom I was working. Ten workers of his team were trapped in the tunnel. In which five laborers had mobile phones. After a few hours light reached inside the tunnel. Then the main gate of the tunnel got jammed with debris. There was no way out from anywhere. Inside the tunnel, both night and day were the same. After the lights came on, the workers stood together. Meanwhile, information was received that the rescue team was doing its work. The food that the workers took with them inside the tunnel was distributed and eaten.

Spent the night using plastic as a bed

Mahadev told that after the accident, only two tasks were left for 41 laborers: sleeping and waking up. Everyone spent the night using plastic as a bed. To divert the minds of the workers, playing cards, Ludo and other materials were sent by the administration. The workers spent 17 days playing this. There was no mobile network. There was no problem of any kind in the tunnel. There was just fear. Used water coming from the mountains. There was no problem of water and food. Food was reaching us through pipes. This made us realize that the Uttarkashi administration was taking steps to help. Such a huge rescue operation was carried out to save all of us, this came to light after coming out.

Thanks to Government of India and Government of Uttarakhand

Mahadev said that we 41 laborers were on the verge of death. Lives were lost. But the grace of God and the prayers of our countrymen and family members were with us. On November 28, all the workers came out of the tunnel safely. For this, Government of India and Government of Uttarakhand deserve thanks. Joe cares after coming out of the tunnel Administration Done on behalf of. It was quite sympathetic.

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