
Jharkhand: JMM attacks Babulal Marandi’s advisor Sunil Tiwari, BJP counters

Jharkhand News: JMM has raised questions on BJP State President and former Chief Minister Babulal Marandi expressing concern about Sunil Tiwari and writing a letter to the Central and State Government asking for security for him. JMM’s Central General Secretary and spokesperson Supriyo Bhattacharya said that after all, who is Sunil Tiwari, what does he do, for whose safety Babulal Marandi is so worried. Letters are being written to the state government as well as the central government.

JMM General Secretary asked questions

Talking to journalists, JMM General Secretary said that when we started finding out about Sunil Tiwari, who is Sunil Tiwari and what is his relationship with Babulal. So I remembered the tradition which was started by BJP leader Chinmayanand in 2021. Brijbhushan Singh took him forward and following the same path, Sunil Tiwari wrote a long saga. Due to which he had to go to jail. We were thinking that he would be an agitator, so he went to jail. But when we found out, it came to light that a minor who was working as a child laborer in their house had raped her. He has gone to jail in this case and is out on bail. This is the same Sunil Tiwari, who is related to Yogendra Tiwari. There is a relationship with Babulal Marandi’s brother. His wife has also been a director in Santal Pargana Builders Company.

is sunil tiwari

JMM spokesperson said, is this Sunil Tiwari after all? Sometimes they become journalists. Sometimes become businessmen. Sometimes become someone’s secretary. Sometimes become lawyers. Therefore, the government should investigate every action of this impersonator Sunil Tiwari impartially and bring the truth in front of everyone.

BJP is a gang of corrupt people

Supriyo Bhattacharya said that Babulal Marandi should also inform that he strongly opposed the Adani Power Purchase Agreement in Godda. Then what happened that he stopped speaking. Were sitting on strike in Amrapada. Then what deal was done that ended the strike? In fact, BJP and its entire team work as an organized gang of corruption. These people looted not only Jharkhand but also the Jharkhandis. Even his pride was not spared. So will the government provide security to such people also?

India has boycotted the anchor of Twamev parents Twamev

Supriyo Bhattacharya, on the question of boycott of 14 anchors of various national and regional channels of the country by the India Alliance, said that we have announced to boycott the anchors having the same parents. Whose eyes are blindfolded by the power of power. What to argue with them, what argument to give, what side to put forward. He said that there is no need to boycott any media house. There is a need to distance ourselves from the anchors who blindly ask questions and give false arguments.

Hemant government wants to take revenge by implicating Sunil Tiwari in the case: BJP

At the same time, the state BJP has countered the allegations made by JMM spokesperson Supriyo Bhattacharya. BJP state general secretary cum office in-charge Dr. Pradeep Verma said that the state BJP president wrote a letter to the state government regarding the security of his advisor Sunil Tiwari, but on Thursday, JMM spokesperson is holding a press conference related to it. From this it is clear what kind of vengeance the government has against Sunil Tiwari. He said that any public representative can write a letter to the Chief Minister and the police administration regarding the safety of a common man, but it is important for the people of Jharkhand to know the meaning of JMM’s panic.

Accusation of deliberately implicating Hemant Sarkar

He said that the allegations leveled against the Chief Minister in the Mumbai Model Case are well known. Sunil Tiwari is the intervener in this case. Even today that case has not ended, it is pending in the court. He said that Hemant government wants to take revenge by implicating Sunil Tiwari in the case. Supriyo Bhattacharya should tell lies with some caution. The case in which Sunil Tiwari is on bail is not related to a minor girl. The way the court has raised questions on the state police and its investigation process while approving the bail, it is clear that the Hemant government is deliberately trying to implicate them.

State BJP will protest against the state government

He said that if Supriyo Bhattacharya has the courage, then he should read out Sunil Tiwari’s bail order in the media. He said that the Mumbai Model Case is also not over yet and the Chief Minister is making every possible effort to suppress it. JMM is upset to see the Chief Minister getting entangled in corruption charges every day. Therefore, he wants to mislead the public with false allegations. Under the leadership of the state BJP president, the public movement against the state government will be intensified.

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