
Jharkhand: In the 74th Van Mahotsav, MLA Bhushan Tirkey expressed concern over pollution and climate change, gave these suggestions

Gumla, Jagarnath Paswan: Under the aegis of Forest Division Gumla, the 74th Van Mahotsav was organized at the district school ground on Thursday. The program was inaugurated by Chief Guest Gumla’s MLA Bhushan Tirkey and special guest Conservator of Forests Regional Zone Gumla Thanga Pandayan and Deputy Commissioner Gumla Sushant Gaurav and other guests jointly lighting the lamp. On the occasion, Chief Guest MLA Bhushan Tirkey said that there are so many forests and shrubs in our Jharkhand that seeing this the state was named Jharkhand. This is our identity. Our Jharkhand state has a different culture. Trees, plants, earth and sun-moon are worshiped here, but we have a big problem in the form of pollution and climate change. This problem has arisen due to indiscriminate cutting of trees. In the race for development, forests were cut and removed. As a result, climate change is taking place and everyone from humans to animals and birds is suffering because of this.

Pollution and climate change are challenges

Gumla MLA Bhushan Tirkey told the students participating in the Van Mahotsav that you are still children. studying in school. In which you are taught about the importance of trees. You don’t just read, but also bring it into your life. If every person plants one tree each, then problems like pollution and climate change can be solved. The MLA appreciated the works of the Forest Department. He said that the administrative officials never dare to go towards the forests, but the forest department team goes to the forest day or night and does its work with full honesty.

take a pledge to plant trees

Special guest Conservator of Forests Regional Circle Gumla Thanga Pandyan said that there is a problem of pure water in some country and some country is facing the problem of pollution. This problem is happening due to the lack of trees. Such countries are a lesson for other countries. If concrete work is not done towards improving the environment, then in the coming time other countries will also face that problem. Today, take a pledge for the day to plant a tree and protect it till it grows up. The program was also addressed by Deputy Development Commissioner Hemant Sati, Zip President Kiran Mala Bada and Vice President Samyukta Devi.

Trees are our culture, it is important to protect them

Deputy Commissioner Sushant Gaurav told the students that today we all should be under the shade of a tree, but we are all under the open sky. In such times, the need to understand the importance of trees increases in all of us. Trees are our culture, which reminds us of our simplicity. We need trees. Despite this, some selfish people cut and sell trees for just a few rupees, while trees selflessly give their everything. People need to understand that if there is a tree, there is life.

Forests are important for life and the earth

Superintendent of Police Gumla Dr. Ehtesham Wakarib said that forest is important for life and the earth. Although this thing is taught to children from school itself, but it is not only necessary to learn it but also to implement it in our life. He appealed to plant a tree on every special occasion. Due to paucity of trees, now every season has moved forward by one month. All this is happening due to climate change due to lack of trees.

We have to be serious about the conservation of trees.

Forest Divisional Officer Gumla Ahmad Belal Anwar said that everyone knows that trees and forests are important, but people are less serious about its conservation. If we take a small step today for the protection of trees and forests, then it will become a big step in the coming time and due to lack of trees, problems like pollution and climate change will be solved. During this, he also informed about the damage caused to the environment by the use of plastic and motivated to use cloth bags.

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