
Jharkhand: In Koderma’s Jaynagar, there was fierce commotion after the dead body of the newly married woman was found in the well, allegation of dowry murder

Jharkhand Crime News: The body of a newly married woman was recovered from a well in the village on Friday in Matauni under Jaynagar police station area under Koderma district. The deceased has been identified as 19-year-old Anshu Kumari’s husband Dhirendra Rana. After getting information about Anshu’s death, the family members of Maika reached Matauni and accused the in-laws of murder. Along with this, there was a lot of uproar demanding the arrest of the murder accused. However, before this the in-laws fled after locking the house.

The family of the deceased accused the in-laws of dowry death

Anshu’s brother Lakhan Rana, who was present on the spot, said that the in-laws together killed Anshu for the sake of dowry and fled, while Anshu’s sister-in-law Baby Devi said that Anshu’s disappearance was reported to the in-laws on August 10 at eight in the morning. had given When we reached Matauni after getting the information, Anshu’s in-laws did not allow us to enter the house, but instead chased us away after telling lies.

Police assured action against the culprits

On Friday morning, information was received over the phone that Anshu’s body was lying in the well. When we reached here, the dead body was taken out. Looking at the condition of the dead body, it seems that he was killed and thrown into the well in the night itself. He said that in case of death due to drowning, the body becomes stiff, but Anshu’s arms and legs are twisted and there is also a mark on his neck. ASP Praveen Pushkar, who reached the spot as soon as the information was received, assured the parents that fair and prompt action would be taken in the matter. On the other hand, station in-charge Umanath Singh said that all aspects of the matter are being investigated. The guilty will not be spared. At present, a lot depends on the post mortem report.

Father gave application, accused nine people of murder

In this regard, Dheeraj Vishwakarma, the father of the deceased Anshu, has filed an application in the police station, accusing the in-laws of killing my daughter Anshu under a conspiracy for the sake of bullets and two lakh rupees in dowry, and with the intention of hiding the body, put it in the well. given. In the given application, Vishwakarma, a resident of Purnanagar Tola Manjhla Nagar of Navalshahi police station area, has said that on May 4, 2023, he married his daughter to Dhirendra Rana’s father Mahesh Rana Matauni resident. After marriage everything went well for a few days and my son-in-law Dhirendra Rana, Anshu’s mother-in-law, brother-in-law, grandmother-in-law etc. started harassing Anshu demanding a bullet and two lakh rupees in cash. On getting the information, every effort was made to solve the matter. But, on August 10, the in-laws informed us over the phone that Anshu was missing from his house since 5 am. As soon as he got the information, he started searching with his family members, but nothing was found anywhere. On Friday morning, when he reached Matauni while searching, he found Anshu’s body lying in a well near Mahesh Rana’s house. In this regard, she filed a legal complaint accusing husband Dhirendra Rana, father-in-law Mahesh Rana, mother-in-law Meena Devi, brother-in-law Satish Rana, Ashish Rana, grandmother-in-law Mo Alia, sister-in-law Gunjan Kumari, Kishun Rana, Shyamlal Rana of murdering their daughter under conspiracy. Action is called for.

Newly married woman died in Markachho

On the other hand, a newly married woman died under suspicious circumstances in Bariardih under Murkamnai Panchayat located in Markachho. The deceased has been identified as 19-year-old Poonam Devi (husband Umesh Yadav). Poonam Devi got married only three months ago. According to the villagers, the newly married woman has committed suicide by hanging herself. However, the police is probing the matter.

absconding in-laws

The villagers told that Poonam’s family members were sleeping after having dinner. In the morning all the members of the house got up and started cleaning the house. Meanwhile, the door of Poonam’s room did not open for a long time, then the family members raised their voice. When no sound was received from the room, fearing something untoward, the door was pushed open. During this, he found Poonam hanging on the noose. In a hurry, the relatives got him out of the trap, but by then he had died. After the incident, the in-laws of the deceased left the house fearing the police and ran away. The villagers informed the police and the parents of the deceased about the incident. On getting the information, station in-charge Luv Kumar, Navalshahi police station in-charge Anil Singh, SI Uttam Vaidya reached with the police force and took the body into custody. Meanwhile, the relatives of the deceased also reached there and started crying after seeing the dead body. Police has sent the dead body to Koderma Sadar Hospital for postmortem. Poonam Devi got married three months ago. Her husband works in Bangalore.

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