
Jharkhand: Former ISRO scientist honored in Khuntpani on the success of Chandrayaan-3, planted Tikoma sapling

Kharsawan, Shachindra Kumar Dash: A function was organized on the success of Chandrayaan-3 mission in the College of Horticulture, operated in Khuntpani under West Singhbhum district, operated under Birsa Agricultural University. On this occasion, the teachers and students felicitated Dr. Angadi Rabbani, associate dean of the college who was a scientist of ISRO. On the success of the mission, Dr. Rabbani planted a Tikoma sapling in the college campus.

The success of Chandrayaan-3 mission is a matter of pride for the country.

In the function, the teachers and students of the college congratulated Dr. Rabbani on the success of Chandrayaan-3 mission and said that the success of Chandrayaan-3 mission is a matter of pride for the country. Dr. Rabbani said that he has been a scientist of ISRO. He is proud that ISRO has created a record of achieving a globally impossible feat by landing Vikram on the South Pole of the Moon. Due to the dedication, hard work and continuous efforts of the scientists of ISRO, India has become the leading and first country in the world to achieve this goal.

Moon’s climate and soil condition will be studied for 14 days

He said that the cost of this mission is much less than the expenditure incurred in a Hollywood film. This success has been possible due to the continuous efforts of the team of ISRO scientists who have made India a leading nation in the field of space technology. This shows the dedication of our ISRO scientists towards the nation. He said that with this successful landing, the rover will study the climate and soil condition of the moon and many other parameters of the moon (like minerals) for 14 days.

Proud to have former ISRO scientists working with us: Dr Onkar Nath Singh

Addressing the students present on the occasion, Dr. Onkar Nath Singh of Birsa Agricultural University said that the university is proud that the experienced scientists of ISRO are working with us for the development of the new campus of the College of Horticulture, Khuntpani. are. Dr. Angadi Rabbani, a retired scientist from ISRO, is currently heading the College of Horticulture, Khuntpani.

Dr Rabbani has worked in ISRO for 34 years

Dr. Angadi Rabbani served as Associate Project Director at Satish Dhawan Space Center (SHAR), Sriharikota. He served in ISRO for 34 years. Significantly contributed in completion of various projects of remote sensing application of space technology for crop area and production of Indian agriculture system. He performed the responsibility of conservation of biodiversity of 10 square kilometer area of ​​Satish Dhawan Space Center very well. This is the same place from where India’s space satellite was launched.

His presence in the program

Here, the welcome speech in the program was given by Assistant Director (Administration) Gyan Singh Dorayaburu, while the operation and thanks were given by Dr. Apoorva Pal. Apart from youth social worker Vishwajeet Pradhan, all the students including Dr. Shweta Singh, Dr. Arkendu Ghosh, Dr. Amit Kumar, Dr. Aditi Guha Chowdhary, Dr. Shweta Kumari, Awadhesh Kumar were also present on the occasion.

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