
Jharkhand: Fearing ED, many officers and businessmen take refuge in astrology, how long will the effect of the mantra last?


Ranchi, Shakeel Akhtar. Many officers and businessmen accused of corruption are facing ‘sade sati’ in the name of Enforcement Directorate (ED). To avoid this, many of these people have taken shelter of astrologers and on their advice are feeding khichdi to the poor. An astrologer has given a mantra to a gentleman to avoid arrest. Luckily he is still alive. The news of astrologers bowing down at the threshold while listening to the phone calls of the people involved in the purview of suspicion has come out. In the year 2022, as soon as Idi’s activity intensified, some people realized their mistakes and contacted an astrologer from Delhi. Told the problem and asked for future information.

The astrologer replied: Time is going bad. There is a danger of further trouble. The department is not suiting up. Fearing Idi, many astrologers gave mantras for protection, but that too did not work. A few days later, Idi arrested him. Now the bail affair is going on. Whenever the date of bail hearing is fixed in the court, on the advice of astrologer, 1000 poor people are being fed khichdi. On this pretext, the poor are getting khichdi, but the court is not giving bail. Astrologers are saying that this is an affair of ‘Sade Sati’. That’s why for a few more days the rounds of the court will continue.

Don’t know, for how long will the effect of mantra given by astrologer remain

After the raids on the places of people close to JCB owner, he also got scared. Find the address and number of an astrologer in Delhi. phoned them. Told the problem and asked for the solution. Paid more fees. That’s why astrologer happily told him the mantra to avoid arrest. He was advised that as soon as the people of Idi try to arrest him, recite the mantra and blow it on him. This will dull the intelligence of the officers. Mind will change and they will not arrest. He is infatuated since getting the mantra. Because till now he has been saved from arrest. But, the muscle is done. Don’t know how long the mantra given by astrology will work.

Idi’s question-answer rehearsal, still caught

After the raid on the places of businessmen, a gentleman got scared. The fear of untoward started troubling me. To deal with the crisis, instead of astrologers, people who have faced the questions of IDI were contacted. Took advice Create possible questions. Wrote answer. He himself did mock drill, but could not survive. After the raid, one sir was roaming around cursing the officers of ED. Were claiming to apologize. Mock drill was praising the officer. Instead, he himself was giving his explanation. He has become ill after receiving the summons. The way of thinking has also changed. Now they are wandering from door to door saying that they are helpless, but no one is supporting them.


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