
Jharkhand: Ehsan Mirdaha, accused of cutting Khunti girl into three pieces, arrested, implicated by changing his name, then killed

Gumla, Durjay Paswan: Gumla Police has investigated the case of murder of a girl by cutting her into three pieces. massacre The accused, Ehsan Mirdaha alias Badal Raj alias Chhotu alias Sonu (22 years), son of Zaheer Mirdaha, resident of Fori village, was arrested and sent to Gumla jail. Ehsan changed his name and lured a girl from Rania village of Khunti district into his love trap (love jihad) Was. After this he was called Gumla. He was taken to Fori village and murdered. The head was cut off from the torso. One hand was also cut off. After this the torso and head were thrown into separate wells. The police worked hard to crack this case. At the behest of accused Ehsaan, police have recovered the chopped hand of the deceased, the hanger used in the murder, a Passion bike and three mobile phones used by the accused.

Young man alleges the girl was blackmailing him

Gumla SP Harvinder Singh told in the press conference that a SIT team was formed under the leadership of SDPO Manish Chandra Lal for quick investigation of the case and arrest of the accused. Taking action by the SIT team with the help of Technical Branch Gumla, Ehsan Mirdaha was arrested. During interrogation, he admitted his crime and said that the deceased was blackmailing him by making a false video. Because of which he planned to murder her. On November 27, he called the deceased and called her to Gumla. She reached Gumla by bus from Khunti and Ehsaan Mirdaha took her to Fori village by bike. Where he took her to a well located near Ashram Middle School Fori and killed her in an inebriated state with a pistol he had kept hidden earlier. One of his hands was also cut off in the attack with his leg. He threw it in different wells and fled from the spot.

Will write the case for speedy trial: SP

SP told that on the day of the incident, a fair was organized in the village. Due to which no one could know anything. The accused has admitted before the police that he alone committed the incident. SP said that the police have also recovered the bag and clothes of the deceased, the severed hand of the deceased, the hanging used in the murder and the clothes worn by the accused at the time of the incident from the spot. SP said that to get justice for the deceased, he will write the case for speedy trial. Dog Scouts and FSL Ranchi have played a commendable role in uncovering this scandal. SDPO Manish Chandra Lal, SI Sudama Ram, SI Sanchit Kumar, SI Vivek Chaudhary, SI Mo Mojjamil, SI Niranjan Kumar Singh, SI Khushboo Verma, SI Dilip Tudu, ASI Emmanuel Kongadi and technical branch officials, personnel and police personnel were involved in the raid. Is

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