
Jharkhand: Draft to be released in Morhabadi on January 24 regarding Tribal Unity Maharally, said Congress leader Bandhu Tirkey

Ranchi: Jharkhand State Congress Executive Chairman of the Committee Bandhu Tirkey Has said that there can never be any compromise on issues related to tribals under any circumstances. Serious tribal organizations and like-minded people and organizations will not only fight on the burning problems of tribals but will definitely win. Talking to reporters at Morhabadi residence in Ranchi on Tuesday, Bandhu Tirkey said that in the Tribal Unity Maharally organized by Adivasi Jan Adhikar Manch on 4 February 2024, a special draft related to the burning issues, problems and context of the tribals and their current conditions will be launched on 24 January. This will be done by the coordinators of this Maharally on the stage of Morhabadi Maidan. Bandhu Tirkey said that the chief guest at this function will be National President of Tribal Congress, Shivajirao Moghe. Along with this, many dignitaries will be present along with senior Gujarat Congress leader and former Union Minister Narayan Rathwa.

Archway will be built in the name of 23 personalities

Bandhu Tirkey said that the preparations for the tribal mega rally are in the final stage and to welcome the people participating in it, freedom fighters of Jharkhand, brave agitators and 23 personalities of Jharkhand (Birsa Munda, Sido Kanho, Veer Budhu Bhagat, Jaipal Singh Munda, Kartik Oraon) . ) The archway will be constructed in the name of. The senior Congress leader criticized the fact that the Tribal Unity Maharally organized on February 4 by many organizations, leaders and political parties is being promoted as a rally of only Christian tribals, which is completely wrong. He said that except BJP, RSS and its associated organizations, this is a joint grand rally of secular, like-minded people of the state as well as very serious people, political parties and organizations on the issue of tribals and everyone is participating in it without any discrimination. . He said that Sarna Code is the demand of all the tribals but the issue is being diverted and instigated by Bharatiya Janata Party, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and right wing organizations as well as many leaders only from the election point of view.

No compromise on tribal and indigenous issues

Congress leader Bandhu Tirkey said that Jharkhand has never made and will never compromise on locality, PESA, Fifth Schedule, CNT Act, SPT, water, forest and land protection as well as on any tribal and indigenous issue. With 32 tribes of tribals in the state, all the people dedicated to tribal interests especially need to come together, put forward the Sarna Code and their problems vocally and put in their best efforts to win. In view of the Lok Sabha elections after three-four months and the Jharkhand Assembly elections by the end of this year, the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangathan and its leaders are trying to polarize all the issues in Jharkhand, dividing Hindus on one side and Muslims on the other. They are trying to create differences between Christians and Sarnas. The reason behind this is that recently they have benefited from this in Chhattisgarh and in Jharkhand also BJP and its leaders want to capture power by doing similar feat, but the people of Jharkhand have never been successful in their move in Chhattisgarh. Will allow it to happen because the public knows these things very well.

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