
Jharkhand: Despite NGT’s ban, sand lifting is happening indiscriminately, sand mafia becomes active in the evening

Patratu (Ramgarh), Ajay Tiwari: As soon as the evening sets in the Patratu area of ​​Ramgarh district, the lifting of sand by tractors starts. Despite NGT’s ban by the sand mafia, sand is being illegally excavated from the river and loaded on highways and tractors and transported to the destination indiscriminately. Despite this, it is not being stopped by the administration. After the news comes in the media, action is also taken by the administration, but after a few days, after the operation of the sand is stopped, again the lifting of sand continues.

Sand reaches daily in PVUNL power plant under construction

Hundreds of hiva sand is being supplied daily to PVUNL power plant under construction. From 10 o’clock in the night till 5 o’clock in the morning, sand laden vehicles start coming. The main gate of the plant is kept fully open for these sand laden vehicles, so that the vehicles can transport sand quickly.

Other vehicles have to wait for hours to enter the gate

Vehicles carrying equipment for PVUNL under-construction power plant have to wait for several days, including hours, for entry, while the main gate remains fully open for vehicles carrying sand.

Sand lifting starts as soon as the evening sets

As soon as the evening sets in, apart from Kirigada, Sakul, Terpa Mahua Tola, Devgarh, many sand ghats, illegal lifting of sand by tractors and highways is going on every day. Sand is excavated day and night and dumped by tractor, then it is transported to the destination through tractor and highway as per the demand.

game of setting

This game of sand smuggling is going on under the protection of police-administration and people’s representatives. When the team constituted by the administration leaves for action, its information reaches those people.

Unpleasant incident may happen due to sand lifting

Unpleasant incident can happen anytime regarding sand lifting. According to the information received, on Friday night some villagers stopped the tractors carrying sand. There is also talk of a lot of tussle between the sand mafia and the villagers. The villagers have expressed apprehension that if this situation continues, a very unpleasant incident can happen anytime.

Action will have to be taken by camping

Regarding the illegal mining and transportation of sand in Patratu area, Ramgarh District Mining Officer said that in view of the situation, Patratu Zonal Officer and Mines Inspector will be ordered and directed to camp. He said that possible action will be taken to stop any kind of illegal business related to mining in the area.

Action is being taken by the administration

Recently, with the aim of completely stopping illegal mining in Ramgarh district and taking strict action against the culprits, the Deputy Commissioner Ramgarh directed the officers to work in a planned manner. In this sequence, an investigation campaign was conducted against the illegal sand stock in Tokisud and Terpa area under Patratu block by Shiv Shankar Pandey, Circle Officer of Patratu, along with the policemen. During this, about 20 haiva illegal sand stock was seized from various areas under Tokisud and Terpa and kept in the premises of block office Patratu. After this, action was taken according to the rules regarding the disposal of sand.

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