
Jharkhand: Changing picture of Naxal-affected Kathikund block of Dumka, line of development being drawn


Kathikund (Dumka), Abhishek: Once upon a time, due to the fear of Naxalites, where people used to shy away from leaving their homes even during the day. On the other hand, today people are leading a normal life. Some such picture seems to be changing. of Barachpudia Panchayat of Naxal-affected Kathikund block of Dumka district. On hearing the name of the block, the first thing that used to come to the mind of the people was that it was a heavily naxal affected area. Many such Naxal incidents had been carried out in the block area, in which Pakur SP Amarjit Balihar’s murder was the biggest incident. Now the picture is changing. SSB battalions are playing an important role in the script of change. The development work being done in the area, the distance between the villagers and the police department is decreasing.

The picture of the focus area is changing

This story of transformation was not that easy. But efforts are being made by the district, block administration and SSB to maintain constant coordination with the villagers. Many villages of the block are being given special schemes by making them focus areas. Things are changing with the pace of development works in the area. SSB is training the youth of the area under the Citizen Welfare Program and encouraging them for self-employment. The biggest gift for Barachpudia Panchayat area, if anything is to be considered, would be road connectivity in the Naxal-affected area of ​​the Panchayat. After cracking down on Naxalites by SSB and police administration, what is playing the most important role in the transformation of the area.

18 km paved road made from Narganjo to Mahuagadi

An 18-kilometer paved road is being built from Panchayat’s Narganj to Mahuagadi village situated on the mountains. Whenever the saga of transformation of the region will be remembered, it will be remembered that the construction of road on more than 10 kilometers of hilly roads along with flat land in the midst of adverse conditions will be remembered. The road was such that even walking on a bike on these roads was like playing with your life, because even a slight mistake could take you several feet deep into the ditch. Now the four wheeler is going to the end of the village enjoying the beautiful views of nature through the hilly roads, while the road construction is still in progress. From this it can be easily estimated that how much the picture of the area will change after the construction of the road. Development is a continuous process, which never ends. Electricity has already reached every village. Now in critical situations the ambulance will be able to reach the village. Patients will be able to reach the hospital in half an hour.

After becoming a tourist area, the identity of the area will increase

In terms of tourism, the area can give a new identity to Kathikund block. If this area is developed as a tourism, then the people of the area will definitely get employment. Along with this, local products will also get a boost. Regarding this wind of change, we talked to the villagers of Mahuagadi village, which has been a heavily naxal-affected village of the Panchayat. Talking to the villagers some shortcomings came to the fore. But the biggest thing that has been seen is the positive change in the circumstances.

what do the villagers say

Villager Holika Dehri says that she had to face a lot of trouble while going to and from the village to the school. Now with the construction of the road, that problem has ended. The circumstances have also changed. There is a need to further strengthen the education system in the region. At the same time, Devendra Dehri says that due to being settled on the mountains, there was a big problem of the road, which is now ending. We used to have a big water problem. Solar powered water tower has also been installed. There is a positive atmosphere.

Demand for road from Mahuagadi to Dumariya

Rural Ramdas Dehri says that our area is changing. It’s a good thing. The basic needs of the area are being taken care of. Health facilities should be improved. This area is still very backward from the point of view of health. On the other hand, Jaishankar Prasad Dehri says that according to the earlier things have changed a lot. They are living their lives by doing wages and farming in their area. If a road is made from Mahuagadi to Dumariya, then it will be easily connected to the block headquarters.

Efforts to land government schemes on the ground: BDO

In this regard, Block Development Officer of Kathikud, Rajneesh Kumar said that through development works, it is an effort to connect people with education and employment with basic facilities. To give a separate identity to the area, a proposal for a park in Mahuagadi has been sent to the district headquarters, so that along with tourism, employment can also be created in the area. Many plans have been made. Trying to get on the ground.


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