
Jharkhand: Angry husband killed his wife for wanting a son in Gumla, police arrested

Gumla, Durjay Paswan: Angry husband killed his wife for not having a son in Gumla. Police arrested the accused and sent him to jail. Budhwa Asur of the village strangled his wife Shimla Asur (23 years) to death on Thursday night in Kutwan village under Kurumgarh police station of Chainpur block. After getting the information, the police reached the village on Friday and sent the dead body to Sadar Hospital, Gumla for postmortem. At the same time, the police arrested the accused husband and sent him to jail on Friday.

Have a daughter, wanted a son too

In relation to the incident, the father of the deceased Shimla Asur told that about 10 years had passed since their marriage. A daughter was born in 2014. Since then, due to not having a son, there used to be frequent disputes between the two. Even before this, Budhwa had physically assaulted Shimla in an inebriated state. Due to which she jumped into the well. However, his life was saved. But, on Thursday, after assaulting her in an inebriated state, she was strangled to death by her husband Budhwa Asur. In this regard, the police said that the police is investigating at every point.

There used to be frequent quarrels between husband and wife regarding the son.

In this regard, Inspector Baiju Oraon told that Budhwa Asura’s wife was not having a boy for five years. Due to this, Budhwa Asura was always angry with his wife. Often both used to fight under the influence of alcohol. The same thing happened on Thursday also, but the matter escalated so much that Budhwa killed his wife. After reaching the spot, the police took necessary action, took the dead body in their custody and sent it for postmortem and arrested the accused and sent him to jail.

Drunken husband killed his wife by slitting her throat with a blade

On the other hand, Ramesh Asur (42 years), a resident of Sakhuapani village of Gurdari police station, killed his wife Etwariya Asur (36 years) by slitting her throat with a blade. Also cut off the private part. After killing his wife, Ramesh Asur was singing a song sitting near the dead body. After getting information about the incident, the police reached the spot, took the dead body in possession and sent it to Sadar Hospital Gumla for postmortem. Simultaneously, the accused husband Ramesh Asur was arrested and sent to judicial custody.

Angry husband killed his wife due to lack of food in the house

According to the information, Ramesh works as a laborer in Sakhuapani Mines. Reached home to eat food on Thursday afternoon, where he became enraged seeing the food not cooked. The drunken wife had also gone downstairs to roam towards Khoir, from where he called the wife and took her home with him. Both were intoxicated. There was a dispute with the wife for not cooking. After this, Ramesh bought four-five blades from a shop in the village and killed his wife by slitting her throat. Along with this, the private part of the body was also cut with a blade. Here, till the time the villagers could understand anything, Ramesh was sitting near the blood-soaked dead body of his wife after carrying out the incident.

After the murder, the accused was singing a song sitting near the dead body

Villagers told that after killing his wife with a blade, Ramesh was singing a sad song with tears in his eyes while sitting near the dead body of his blood-soaked wife. The villagers said that these days country liquor is being made in large quantities in the village. People often fight after drinking alcohol. In this sequence, the quarrel between this family increased on Thursday and the incident happened. In this regard Gurdari Police Station Sadanand Singh said that the incident happened due to excessive intoxication. The police is investigating the matter. The accused has three children. Presently he is studying abroad.

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