
JDU leader received threat to behead, Naxalites also dropped leaflets demanding closure of Bihar-Jharkhand

Bihar Naxalite News: On one hand in Bihar, NIA has recently raided more than one and a half dozen locations in Aurangabad, Kaimur, Rohtas and Saran regarding Naxalite connection, while on the other hand, two pamphlets dropped in the name of Naxalite organization are in the headlines these days. Are. Both are related to different cases. Naxalites have dropped a leaflet in Dumariya, Gaya, calling for a Bihar-Jharkhand bandh on 30 November. The name of the regional committee of the organization has come to light. Due to dropping of leaflets, an atmosphere of fear has been created in this area these days. Whereas in another case a JDU leader has received a murder threat. The Block President of Youth JDU in Dev police station area of ​​Aurangabad has received threat through a poster in the name of Naxalites. The JDU leader has been warned that he will be beheaded.

JDU leader received murder threat

Rupesh Kumar, resident of Sarab Bigha village of Dev police station area of ​​Aurangabad district, has been threatened through a Naxal poster. Rupesh Yuva is the block president of JDU. A threatening poster has also been found near his house, which has been recovered by the police and is being investigated. Looking at the poster, it can be seen that a similar poster was pasted by the Maoist organization CPI Maoist in the past. Rupesh Kumar alias Rupesh Chaudhary has been threatened in a poster written in red and green ink. It has been said that you should stop the one whose share you plow and weave. Farming has been banned. If you do even a little trick, your head will be taken off. Not only this, the house, tractor and you will be blown away. Advice has also been given through the poster to meet him soon. Here, there is a stir in the area due to the poster and Rupesh’s family is also scared. However, the police of Dev police station is looking into it as a matter of land dispute. However, on receiving information about the incident, the police reached Sarab Bigha and investigated the matter. The police station in-charge said that the poster is being investigated. Prima facie the matter appears to be a land dispute. Both parties have been called to the police station.

Form dropped for Bihar-Jharkhand bandh

At the same time, Naxalite organization CPI-Maoist has re-established its presence by dropping hand-written leaflets in Dumariya area of ​​Gaya district. The pamphlet has called for a Bihar-Jharkhand bandh on 30th November. Although the region is not clearly mentioned in the pamphlet, but when the name of the Regional Committee appears, it is being seen as a Bihar-Jharkhand bandh. Due to the dropping of leaflets here, an atmosphere of fear has been created in the area. According to the information, on Sunday night Naxalites dropped leaflets on the road leading north from Chandaria turn of Magra police station area to Mahesh Dhan village. As soon as the morning came, the police confiscated the pamphlet. The pamphlet has been issued by Vivek Yadav of the Regional Committee of CPI-Maoist.

warning given to informers

The leaflet in the name of Naxalites that has been dropped on the road in Dumariya, Gaya also talks about identifying police informers and punishing them. It is written in the leaflet that those working for the police will be killed selectively, so that the souls of the onlookers will tremble. A strike has also been called for on 30th November. The police have seized the pamphlet from near Chandiriya turn, the border of Magra and Dumariya police stations. However, the police is refraining from saying anything on this. These two pamphlets have frightened people in different areas.

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