
January 27, 1948: Why did Mahatma Gandhi go to Mehrauli 3 days before his death?

One thing to be noted is that despite being a Sanatani Hindu, Mahatma Gandhi was never a ritualistic Hindu. If we talk about Delhi, he kept coming here again and again from April 12, 1915 to January 30, 1948, the last 144 days were also here. Stayed here, but he went to any religious place only twice. Once he went to Birla temple and second time to Kaki’s Dargah. In fact, when prominent industrialist and Gandhiji’s associate Shri Ghanshyam Birla requested him to inaugurate the famous Birla Temple (Lakshmi Narayan Temple) located on Mandir Marg in the capital, Bapu put a condition. Gandhiji said that he is ready to inaugurate the temple, but he has one condition. He will inaugurate the temple only if that condition is met. This is from the month of September 1939.

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