
Jagannath Temple: Why the flag of Jagannath temple waves in the opposite direction of the wind, the mystery is related to Hanuman ji

Jagannath Temple: There are such miracles in the temple of Lord Jagannath that even science does not have the answer. The waving of the temple flag in the opposite direction of the wind is also one of these miracles. There is a mythological belief behind this. Through this article, you will know how and what is the secret related to it?

What is mythological belief?

Waving the flag against the wind is related to Hanuman ji. According to the legend, due to the sound of the sea, Lord Vishnu found it difficult to rest. When Hanuman ji came to know about this, he told the sea to stop your speech because my lord is not getting peace due to your noise. Then the sea said that it is not in my control. This sound will go as far as the speed of the wind. For this you should request your father Pawan Dev. Then Hanuman ji invoked his father Pawan Dev and asked him not to flow in the direction of the temple. Pawandev said that this is not possible. For this, he told Hanuman ji a solution.

What remedy did Hanuman ji take?

According to the solution given by his father, Hanuman ji divided himself into two parts with his power and then he started circumambulating the temple faster than the wind. Due to this, such a cycle of wind was created that the sound of the sea does not go inside the temple and keeps roaming around the temple and Shri Jagannath ji sleeps comfortably in the temple. For this reason, the flag of the temple also waves in the opposite direction of the wind.

there are other surprising things

This flag hoisted on the top of the temple is changed daily. There is such a belief of Jagannath temple that if the flag is not changed even for a day, then the temple will be closed for 18 years. The prasad of this temple is also prepared in a very interesting way. 7 pots are kept on top of each other to cook Prasad, which is cooked on a wood stove, but in this process, the ingredients kept in the topmost pot are cooked first and then gradually the ingredients kept in the bottom pot are cooked. .

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