
It is mandatory for government employees to plant a sapling in UP, July 22 will be a half day to participate in the campaign.

Lucknow : Preparations for ‘Van Mahotsav’ are on in full swing in Uttar Pradesh. The Yogi government has set a target of planting 35 crore trees this year. Under this campaign, all government officials and employees are also required to plant at least one plant. On both July 22 and August 15, the government has instructed all the employees to plant at least one tree and take a pledge to protect it.

Instructions have been given to keep half-day holiday in all government offices for plantation drive on 22nd July. Along with government departments, officers and employees of public enterprises, corporations, boards, etc. will also have to plant saplings.

Celebrate the campaign as a festival – Chief Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra

In the mandate issued by Chief Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra on Thursday, all the Divisional Commissioners, District Magistrates, DFOs and Chief Development Officers have been told that this time 35 crore saplings will be planted in the plantation drive. On July 22, 30 crore and on August 15, five crore saplings are to be planted. Instructions have been given to celebrate the campaign as a festival. All the office chairmen have been told to prepare for plantation at their place.

The Chief Secretary said that all the personnel of the state must plant at least one plant outside the house, in a park, road, colony etc. The picture along with the plant should be uploaded on the Haritima Amrit Van mobile app. Employees should inspire people to participate in this campaign by organizing a big plantation festival in their locality with their own inspiration.

Free saplings will be made available – Additional Chief Secretary Forest

Additional Chief Secretary Forest Manoj Singh said that plants will be made available free of cost through government departments and institutions related to the nurseries of the Forest Department. After plantation, all the offices through the District Magistrate and the departments in the government will send the information of the Heads of Departments, Corporations, Councils etc. to the Additional Chief Secretary Forest and Environment. Photos and videos will have to be uploaded on the portal.

This time preparing to create a new record of plantation

Significantly, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath discussed with his cabinet the action plan for the successful organization of Van Mahotsav-2023. Also gave directions to the officers. On this occasion, he said that in the last six years more than 131 crore saplings have been planted in Uttar Pradesh. This year 35 crore saplings will be planted in the state.

He said that the Van Mahotsav has now taken the form of a people’s movement in Uttar Pradesh, which is blessed by nature and God. In the last 6 years, more than 131 crore saplings have been planted. Wide public cooperation has been received in this work. In the year 2017-18, 5.72 crore, 11.77 crore in 2018-19, 22.60 crore in 2019-20, 25.87 crore in 2020-21, 30.53 crore in 2021-22 and 35.49 crore in 2022-23 have been planted. It is pleasant that along with planting trees, full care is also being taken for their conservation.

He further said that the rainy season has started in the state. This season is the ideal time for plantation. After the successful organization of awareness week, now we will have to join the program of mass plantation on 22nd July in the form of ‘Van Mahotsav’. Like the previous years, with full enthusiasm and enthusiasm, this year also we are ready to create a new record of plantation.

Every department, every institution and every citizen will have to make efforts with the aim of planting 35 crore saplings in the massive plantation campaign this year. Department-wise target of plantation has been fixed by the Forest Department. Circle wise targets have also been fixed. Efforts should be made to plant at least 01 thousand saplings in every village. Make preparations to plant 5 crore saplings simultaneously on 15th August.

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