
Israel Hamas War: Will there be a third world war? America and Russia face to face, Joe Biden said a big thing

joe biden in israel support

Israel Hamas War: The war between Israel and Hamas seems to be intensifying. Today is the 14th day of this war. Bombs, rockets and missile attacks are being carried out to kill Hamas fighters in Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has said a big thing about the war. Making his stand clear, he addressed the nation and said – We cannot let terrorists like Hamas and tyrants like Putin win.

joe biden benjamin netanyahu/ israel hamas war

The US President further said that as President, there is no higher priority for me than the safety of the Americans held hostage…In Israel, I saw people who are strong, determined, resilient and also angry, in shock And are in deep pain. I also spoke with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority and reiterated that the United States is committed to the dignity and right of the Palestinian people to self-determination. He said that like many others, I am saddened by the deaths of Palestinians…The explosion at the Gaza hospital, which was not carried out by the Israelis, is also sad. We are saddened by the loss of every innocent life. We cannot ignore the humanity of innocent Palestinians who just want to live in peace and have a chance.

joe biden attack on muslim community

US President Joe Biden said that in recent years, too much hatred has served as oxygen to promote racism. There has been a rise of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia here in America… I know many people in the Muslim American community, the Arab American community, the Palestinian American community who are angry about this incident. They are saying that we are going back to Islamophobia and mistrust due to which we saw 9/11.

joe biden attack on putin

US President Joe Biden said the attack on Israel is a reminder of nearly 20 months of war, tragedy and cruelty inflicted on the people of Ukraine. People were hurt very badly after Putin started his all-out attack. Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but they view it in a positive light. Both of them want to completely destroy neighboring democracy…

putin reaction on joe biden attack

US President Joe Biden said that Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields and innocent Palestinian families are suffering a lot because of them. Putin, meanwhile, denied that Ukraine had or ever had de facto statehood. He claimed that the Soviet Union created Ukraine…

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