
Israel Hamas War: Heavy fighting continues near Gaza’s main hospital, people trapped inside

Israel Hamas War: Rejecting Israel’s claims of helping evacuate infants and others from inside the Gaza Strip’s largest hospital, health officials and others trapped inside the hospital said Israeli forces fought fierce fighting just outside the hospital. Has been. Health officials have said that thousands of medical workers and patients are facing problems due to power outages and reduced availability of essential supplies, while displaced people taking shelter in hospitals are unable to come out due to the firing. These officials said that incubators for newborn babies are also not working due to lack of electricity. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the growing international appeal for a ceasefire and said that a ceasefire is possible only when all 240 people held hostage by Hamas in Gaza are freed.

Following the Israeli Prime Minister’s pledge to end Hamas’ 16-year rule in Gaza with ‘full force’, locals living in Gaza City reported airstrikes and shelling continuing overnight in various areas, including the areas around Shifa Hospital. Gave. Israel has accused Hamas of building a command post inside and below the hospital complex, without providing evidence. At the same time, Hamas and the hospital staff have denied these allegations. “They are outside, but not far away,” said Ahmed al-Borash, a local resident sheltering in place at the hospital. Three premature babies died on Saturday after the hospital’s last generator ran out of fuel, according to the Health Ministry. And four other patients died. He said that due to lack of electricity, the lives of 36 more children are in danger.

The Israeli military claims it kept 300 liters (79 gallons) of fuel near Shifa Hospital overnight for an emergency generator to power incubators for premature babies and coordinated with hospital officials. But the Israeli military said Hamas blocked the hospital from receiving fuel. Ashraf al-Qidra, a health ministry spokesman, told Al Jazeera that there would not be enough fuel to run the generators for even an hour. “This is a cruel joke on patients and children,” he said.

Speaking to CNN, Netanyahu said that “100 or more” people have been evacuated from Shifa hospital and Israel has created safe corridors. But Health Ministry undersecretary Munir al-Borash said Israeli snipers were deployed around Shifa, firing at any activity. “There are injured people lying in their homes, and we cannot reach them,” he told Al Jazeera. We can’t even stick our heads out of the window… The Israeli army had said it would help transport the babies on Sunday and is in contact with hospital staff. However, a UK-based charity helped the neonatal intensive care unit (ICU) of Shifa Hospital. This organization is providing medical aid to Palestinians.

Melanie Ward, the charity’s chief executive officer (CEO), said: “Ambulances are unable to reach hospitals… and there are no hospitals with the capacity to admit them, with little understanding of how to do it safely.” . According to Ward, the only option is for Israel to stop the attack and allow fuel to reach the hospital. The Health Ministry said there were still 1,500 patients in Shifa, as well as 1,500 medical workers and 15,000 to 20,000 people seeking refuge there.

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