
Israel-Hamas war: Father crying loudly holding child’s dead body close to his chest, you will cry after seeing the pictures

Israel-Hamas war today news and photo

Today is the 28th day of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. Israel has been killing terrorists in Gaza Strip for the last 28 days. Rockets are also being fired by Hamas in retaliation. Meanwhile, the news coming is quite painful. In fact, more than 3,600 Palestinian children have lost their lives in the first 25 days of the war between Israel and Hamas. Information in this regard has been given by the Health Ministry run by Hamas in Gaza.

Israel-Hamas war today photo

The Health Ministry said children were affected by air strikes, targeted by rockets, burned by explosions and buried under the debris of buildings. These included infants and young children, students, aspiring journalists, and children who thought they would be safe by taking shelter in the church.

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Nearly half of the crowded Gaza Strip’s 2.3 million residents are under the age of 18, and children comprise 40 percent of those killed so far in the war, the health ministry said. Meanwhile, writer Adam al-Madhoun, consoling his four-year-old daughter Kenzie at the Al Aqsa Martyr Hospital in the central Gaza city of Deir al-Balah, said that when homes are destroyed, they fall on the heads of children. She survived an air strike. However, in the attack his right hand was cut off, his left leg was crushed and his skull was fractured.

gaza patti updates and todays photo

Meanwhile, Israel’s statement has come out. It says that the air strikes conducted by it have targeted terrorist bases and infrastructure of Hamas. The terrorist group uses civilians as human shields. According to the global charity ‘Save the Children’, Gaza has killed more children in just three weeks than any other conflict in the world in the last three years.

gaza patti today updates

Scenes from the recent air strikes include a rescuer cradling a disabled child in a blood-soaked white skirt, a crying father clutching his child’s body tightly to his chest, and a shocked man covered in blood and dust wandering alone in the ruins. People around the world strongly condemned the images of the distressed young boy.

gaza patti photo today and news

People here say that being a parent in Gaza is no less than a curse.

gaza patti killed children

Jauda has only one relative left in his family, Milisha, who is only one year old. Jauda asked with tearful eyes what crime this little girl had committed that she would have to live an orphan life.

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