
ISIS terrorist Shahnawaz made a dangerous plan with the intention of taking revenge, made a big revelation

ISIS Terrorist Plan: The conspiracy was to terrorize Gujarat. People living peacefully were shocked and harassed. There was a conspiracy to cause death by causing a big explosion. This is where a terrorist caught by Delhi Police has revealed something. Islamic State terrorist Shahnawaz Alam has revealed the secret of ISIS to Delhi Police. Shahnawaz has told that ISIS was planning a major terrorist attack in Gujarat. They were working on plans to carry out major attacks in many cities of Gujarat.

The intention was to take revenge for the Godhra incident.
Terrorist Shahnawaz, in the custody of Delhi Police, revealed that there was a conspiracy to terrorize Gujarat with the intention of taking revenge of the Godhra incident. Let us tell you, the police has recently arrested terrorist Shahnawaz. After his arrest, he revealed many secrets during police interrogation. He told that ISIS’s plan was to carry out big blasts in many cities of Gujarat. The intention behind this was to take revenge for the Godhra incident.

Reiki was being done for the whole year
Terrorist Shahnawaz told that ISIS was doing recce for a year to carry out a big blast in Gujarat. The terrorists had planned to carry out blasts in many cities of Gujarat. He told that Reiki was being done since January 2023. He had told that there was a plan to target many places in Gujarat to spread terror, including the RSS office in Gandhinagar, VHP office, Gujarat High Court, BJP office, railway station and many other places. Terrorists were continuously recceing these places.

Pictures were sent from many places
Terrorist Shahnawaz also told the police that recce was being conducted at many important places with the intention of terrorizing Gujarat. Reiki was conducted at the railway station, university, cinema house, religious places and houses of many leaders. The photographs there were taken by the terrorists. Videos were also made.

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