
Interest in driving is increasing among the women of Muzaffarpur, participation in getting license is increasing every year.

Muzaffarpur. Like big cities, half the population here is now roaming on the roads on two-wheelers, four-wheelers and three-wheelers. This can be estimated from this. If we look at the figures of the last five years in the district, there has been a significant increase in the number of getting Driving License (DL) made by half the population. In the year 2017-18, only 321 half the population had got their DL made. This year, so far in nine months, 1779 women have got their DL made.

11782 women have DL

Since the updating of the centralized software of the Transport Department, a total of 206240 DLs have been issued so far, out of which 194421 are DLs of men and 11782 DLs of women. Apart from this, 37 DLs are of third gender. The day by day increasing number of DL of half the population makes it clear that now they are becoming self-reliant. Their self-confidence has increased due to awareness in the society and being associated with the job profession. She drives herself to her office, even takes her children to school or takes the elders of her family.

The number of women taking licenses increased compared to before.

DTO Sushil Kumar said that the number of women taking licenses has increased compared to earlier. Here, special care is taken to ensure that they do not have to stand in queues for long during testing. She also sits at the computer and gives tests with full confidence. He said that the number of women getting driving licenses in the district is increasing year by year.

DL issued year wise

Year – Male – Female – Third Gender

  • – 2017-18 – 22100 – 321 – 03

  • – 2018-19 – 11818 – 584 – 02

  • – 2019-20 – 28659 – 1637 – 09

  • – 2020-21 – 27480 – 1320 – 06

  • – 2021-22 – 38950 – 2245 – 11

  • – 2022-23 – 51069 – 3917 – 07

  • – 2023-24 – 24626 – 1779 – 02

License issued after centralized software

  • 194421 men

  • 11782 female

  • 37 third gender

37 third gender has driving license

There are 94 third gender voters in the district, out of which 37 have driving licenses. The figures of the District Transport Department are telling this. This is about 40 percent of the number of third gender voters. This is a good sign and indicates that they are gradually moving forward by joining the mainstream of society. If we look at the statistics of the last four-five years, every year at least two new driving licenses of the third gender are being issued.

Patna women lag behind in getting driving license

Women will also be seen driving vehicles in large numbers on the roads of Patna, but women are lagging far behind men in getting driving licenses. On this issue, Transport Department officials say that there are two reasons for women not getting driving licenses. Firstly, women drivers are not asked for driving license during checking and secondly, the important reason is that women do not want to stand in the queue to get the license. The Bihar government is giving special facilities to women to get driving licenses, but according to statistics, in the last four months in Patna, out of all the licenses made, 83 percent were made by men, while women are stuck at 16 percent.

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