
Intensification of vehicle checking campaign at intersections, special attention on suspects, records of old criminals are being searched.

  • Police officers should remain alert to curb crime: SP

Correspondent, Bokaro: To reduce the crime graph and crack down on criminals, Bokaro SP Priyadarshi Alok has instructed all police stations to remain in alert mode. To check the frequent chain snatching and theft, it has been asked to scrutinize the criminal records of the last 10 years of the old criminals. So that we can know how many criminals are active in which area from 10 years ago till now. How many are in jail and how many are carrying out criminal activities outside the jail. Efforts are on to find out which criminal gang is more active. Which criminal has died? Which criminals are still in the district despite changing the district? How many are active in the area even after absconding from the warranty file?

Police officers included in the SP’s special squad are active in completing all these tasks. Shahadat Ansari from Mohandih, Pindrajora, who was arrested on November 1 in the chain snatching case, is being continuously investigated for his involvement in several incidents. To keep an eye on criminal activities, the traffic police is continuously running vehicle checking campaigns at various places. Along with checking the documents, helmet, triple riding and driving four wheeler without seat belt are being investigated. Besides, Tiger Mobile soldiers are also continuously patrolling the area. For what purpose are the youth having suspicious activities roaming around in the area? This is also being investigated.

Instructions have been given to all police station in-charges to maintain special vigil regarding Diwali. Old records of criminals are also being scrutinized. I am also doing surprise inspection and patrolling.

Priyadarshi Alok,SP, Bokaro

Constant vigil is being maintained in the area. All the teams have been kept in alert mode. Special attention is being kept on warranties. The goal is to curb crime at any cost. Bokar residents Cooperation is expected from.

Kuldeep Kumar,City DSP, Bokaro

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