
Inspector in Jhansi became a criminal, shot pregnant wife three times with service pistol, suspended, know what is the matter

UP Crime News: A case of a sub-inspector shooting his pregnant wife with a service pistol has come to light in Jhansi district of Uttar Pradesh. Bangra outpost incharge Shashank Mishra shot his wife with his service revolver. It is being told that the accused inspector fired three bullets, out of which two bullets hit his wife Shalini’s hand while one bullet touched her stomach. The wife has been admitted to the medical college. As soon as information about this incident was received, there was panic in the police department. The police, while searching for the accused inspector, have taken him into custody. Taking immediate action against the accused Inspector, he has been suspended. He is under interrogation. According to the police, the matter is a family dispute, while the in-laws have accused the Inspector of harassment for demanding dowry. He says that the Inspector had been harassing his daughter for dowry for a long time. The police is investigating the case based on the allegations.

The accused inspector got angry as soon as his wife started talking.

Shalini, 28-year-old wife of Jhansi’s Bangra outpost incharge Shashank Mishra, alleges that her husband had gone to Jhansi city to meet his mother and brother on Sunday afternoon. After this, when he returned home late at night, his expression had changed. As soon as he arrived he became busy with his mobile. Shalini told the police that during this time she slapped her husband and said that she was pregnant and at such a time, instead of asking about his well-being, she was busy on her mobile. The husband became very angry at this, he accused her of raising his hand and picked up a pistol from the cupboard and started firing.

Saved life by entering neighbor’s room

The Inspector fired three bullets, out of which two bullets hit Shalini’s hand and one bullet touched her stomach. Shalini told that when her husband fired the first shot, he dropped the shoe rack near her. Then she ran into the room to save herself. But, the husband fired even after this. Meanwhile, he shouted and knocked at the neighbour’s door. When he hid in a neighbor’s house, the inspector started threatening to shoot himself. Then the neighbor explained to the inspector from inside. Meanwhile the landlord and other neighbors arrived. Pistol snatched from the inspector. Then everyone came out with the medical college and got admitted.

In-laws have been harassing her for dowry since marriage.

According to Shalini, no one from her in-laws like her mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law etc. Whenever the husband comes to meet those people, he remains very angry. Not even two years have passed since their marriage. My in-laws have been troubling me ever since my marriage. The parents spent Rs 25 lakh on the wedding. Even after this the in-laws were not satisfied. There has been demand from their side for ring and dowry items.

Police interrogating the accused inspector

Meanwhile, it is alleged that initially the police was trying to suppress the case. The policemen told Inspector Shashank that the bullet was fired by mistake. However, when the parents protested against this, the police said that they would take action on the basis of investigation, complaint and wife’s statement. Jhansi Senior Superintendent of Police Rajesh S. Told that the matter was of a family dispute, due to which the Inspector opened fire on the wife. The accused outpost incharge Shashank Mishra has been taken into custody by the police. Along with this, he has been suspended with immediate effect. Inquiry is being done. FIR has been registered in this regard.

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