
Infosys: Narayan Murthy was forced to sleep on a box in the store room of an American businessman, know the interesting story

In the early days of Infosys, when Narayana Murthy (Narayana Murthy) Once when he went to America for some work, a short-tempered American businessman made him sleep on a big box in the storeroom of his house, even though there were four bedrooms in his house. Indian-American author Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni has written a book describing the early years of the lives of Sudha Murthy and Narayana Murthy. Many more such things have been told about him in this book. ‘An Uncommon Love: The Early Life of Sudha and Narayana Murthy’, published by Juggernaut Books, traces the early years of the Murthy couple, from their courtship to the founding years of ‘Infosys’ and from their marriage to their motherhood. -It’s the story of becoming a father. Don Liles, head of the New York-based company ‘Data Basics Corporation’, was a hot-tempered client and he did not like Murthy very much.

It was written in the book that he was often late in making payments for services rendered and for this, Murthy became the target of his anger, he would stick to his word and refuse to pay for services on time. Were. When Murthy and his Infosys colleagues had to meet him in Manhattan, Don would not allow them to book hotels in time. Once when Murthy went to America for client work, Don made him sleep on a big box in the storage room, even though his house had four bedrooms. Apart from this, Don made several demands at the last moment, which Murthy had to fulfill. Murthy tolerated Don’s behavior for the sake of his new company, but the incident of making him sleep on the box really shook Murthy. He told his wife Sudha that my mother used to say that a guest is like God and the way you treat guests shows what kind of person you really are.

Narayan Murthy said that whenever my father used to invite someone to the house without any information, she (mother) would often serve the food cooked by her own hands to the guest and would herself sleep without eating and don’t let me live here in a windowless room. He himself was enjoying sleep on his bed after sleeping on a big box in the store room. It was also written in the book how despite being a good engineer, Murthy was against his wife joining Infosys. Many other similar things have also been mentioned in the book.

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